cardiff university, college of biomedical and life sciences, school of healthcare sciences
WHO Collaborating Centre for midwifery development
Grace Thomas, Reader in Midwifery, Head of Health Professions
Kerry Phillips, Deputy Director
At WHO’s request and under its guidance, the proposed institution will support WHO in strengthening
the evidence-base and provide technical support on midwifery pre-service education and training.
Under WHO’s leadership and under its request, the proposed institution will assist WHO in capacity
building and strengthening midwifery pre-service education, and training.
This institution is a member of the
Map Midwifery and Nursing Across Europe
We contributed to the ‘Baseline Mapping Study on Nursing and Midwifery Education in the WHO European Region’, helping with survey design, data analysis and review of the final report.
Midwifery Assessment Tool for Education (MATE)
We have created and piloted the MATE tool, supported by European midwifery colleagues. MATE is a self-assessment tool designed to inform in-country discussions at early planning stages, and belongs to the midwives / leaders who use it. It also provides links to useful resources. Following field-testing in 2019, the translated tool will be available on the WHO website.
Clinical Simulation Scenarios
We supported the WHO CC for Nursing and Research Centre at Coimbra University, Portugal in developing the guide ‘Simulation in Nursing and Midwifery Education’, ensuring that midwifery is effectively represented.
Provide Technical Support to Member States
We provide technical support to member states as requested by WHO. We are currently advising the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas on the further development of midwifery education and research.

The Cardiff WHO CC working together during lockdown
- Contributed to WHO Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health Project Sustaining midwifery education during the COVID-19 pandemic, December 2020 (ongoing). Membership of Project Technical Advisory Group and contribution of case study and resources.
- Contributed to development of the Inter-Professional Midwifery Education Toolkit for Maternal New-Born, Sexual Reproductive and Mental Health. Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health, World Health Organisation (ongoing), specifically the Safe Medical Abortion and Essential Childbirth.
- Contributed to discussions about the WHO Strategic Directions for Nursing and Midwifery 2021-2025: Attended GNWHOCCNM meeting on Jan 13th 2021 and provided written feedback to the consultation.
- Contributed to the development of the EURO Roadmap for Nursing and Midwifery (attended EURO meeting 24-25 March 2021 and now ongoing as Core group members). Specific focus on providing evidence and technical expertise in relation to midwifery pre-service education, and training.
- The Director co-leads the GNWHOCCNM Midwifery Network (in partnership with the WHO CC for Midwifery Development, University of Chile), which represents WHO CCs from across all WHO regions with interests in midwifery/maternity care. For the YONM, a series of very popular international webinars has been held, showcasing the work of internationally renowned midwifery speakers. These webinars have had high attendance from across the regions: ● 23/9/20 Developments in Midwifery Research ● 18/11/20 Developments in Midwifery Education ● 20/01/21 Implementing Midwife Led Care Globally ● 17/03/21 Midwifery and Quality Improvement ● 28/04/21 Leadership in Midwifery: Claiming and Sustaining a Place at the Table.
- Renfrew MJ et al (2021) Sustaining quality education and practice learning in a pandemic and beyond: ‘I have never learnt as much in my life, as quickly, ever’ . Midwifery 94: 102915 (
- Renfrew, M. et al. (2020) ‘Sustaining quality midwifery care in a pandemic and beyond’, Midwifery, 88, p. 102759 (DOI: 10.1016/j.midw.2020.102759).

Prof Billie Hunter, Grace Thomas and Halima Abdul presenting at International Maternity Expo, London
- The Midwifery Assessment Tool for Education (MATE) has been finalised, following piloting and field testing, and has progressed through the WHO EURO review processes. It will be launched by WHO EURO on International Day of the Midwife 2020. MATE is a self-assessment tool, co-designed with colleagues from Eastern Europe. Its aim is to stimulate and inform in-country discussions at early planning stages, with links provided to useful resources.
- Centre members have given conference presentations about MATE at: International Maternity Expo (London UK, Nov 2019) and European Midwives Association Conference (Malmo Sweden, Dec 2019).
- We hosted an MSc internship from Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Montreal, Canada, focusing on the Role of the Midwife in Eastern Europe.
- We contributed to WHO HQ activities eg The Framework for Action: Strengthening Quality Midwifery Education for Universal Health Coverage 2030 (WHO, 2019); and participation in a Technical Advisory Group reviewing WHO Essential Childbirth Care course and modules.
- Co-led the GNWHOCCNM Midwifery Network.
- WHO CC Internship seminar: The Role of the Midwife in Eastern Europe. Cardiff University December 12th 2019
- WHO CC Internship seminar: Midwifery and midwifery education in Turkey Cardiff University. Date TBC
- Launch event for MATE May 2020
- WHO CC Redesignation event Autumn 2020
Within the School of Healthcare Sciences at Cardiff University, the midwifery education team represents professional and academic midwifery. We have a strong research and publications profile, and play an important role in supporting UK and Welsh policy developments.
Our major current/recent major research projects are:
The POOL Study. Establishing the safety of waterbirth for mothers and babies: A cohort study with nested qualitative component, led by Prof Julia Sanders. Funded by NIHR Health Technology Assessment, 187.060 1st Apr 2018 to 31 Aug 2021.
The Work Health and Emotional Wellbeing of UK Midwives Study (UK WHELM) Funded by Royal College of Midwives. Completed May 2018. Results currently being disseminated.
Policy Involvement: Grace Thomas has contributed to the new UK Nursing and Midwifery Council Standards of Proficiency for Midwives and Standards for Pre-registration midwifery programmes (Future Midwife: link). Prof Billie Hunter, Prof Julia Sanders and Grace Thomas are members of the Think Tank developing the Vision for Maternity Services in Wales.

Field-testing the Midwifery Assessment Tool for Education (MATE) in Sofia, Bulgaria March 2019.
Our overall focus is strengthening midwifery education and practice across Europe and globally.
Since July 1, 2018 we have:
- Contributed to the “Baseline Mapping Study on Nursing and Midwifery Education in the WHO European Region”, reviewing the final report.
- Created and piloted MATE (Midwifery Assessment Tool for Education), supported by European colleagues. MATE is a self-assessment tool designed to inform in-country discussions at early planning stages, which provides links to useful resources. We field-tested in 2019, with midwives from across Bulgaria. The translated tool will be available on the WHO website in 2020.
- Supported the WHO CC for Nursing and Research Centre at Coimbra University, Portugal in developing the guide “Simulation in Nursing and Midwifery Education”, ensuring that midwifery is effectively represented. (Click here for the link)
- Provided technical support to member states at WHO request. We are currently advising the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas on further development of midwifery education and research.
At the invitation of the WHO Technical Officer, Midwifery & Chief Nurse, WHO HQ we also contributed to Technical Advisory Groups focused on strengthening global midwifery education, e.g. the Midwifery Working Group reviewing the WHO Essential Childbirth Skills modules.
- Field testing of the Midwifery Assessment Tool for Education ( MATE) in a 2 day workshop in Sofia, Bulgaria 20th -21st March 2019.
Professor Billie Hunter, Director of the WHO CC was awarded a CBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list in July 2018 for services to midwifery and midwifery education in the UK and Europe.
Within the School of Healthcare Sciences at Cardiff University, the midwifery education team represents professional and academic midwifery. We have a strong research and publications profile, and play an important role in supporting UK and Welsh policy developments.
Our major current/recent major research projects are:
- The POOL Study. Establishing the safety of waterbirth for mothers and babies: A cohort study with nested qualitative component, led by Prof Julia Sanders. Funded by NIHR Health Technology Assessment, 895,187.060 1st Apr 2018 to 31 Aug 2021.
- The Work Health and Emotional Wellbeing of UK Midwives Study (UK WHELM) Funded by Royal College of Midwives. Completed May 2018.
- Policy Involvement: Grace Thomas has contributed to the new UK Nursing and Midwifery Council Standards for Pre-registration midwifery education. Prof Billie Hunter, Prof Julia Sanders and Grace Thomas are members of the Think Tank developing the new Vision for maternity services in Wales.