Strategic direction: Midwives and nurses work to the full extent of their education and training in safe and supportive service delivery environments.

Resources from the Network

LINKS Magazine Vol.16: Christian Medical College and Hospital (IND138)

LINKS Magazine Vol.16: Ramathibodi School of Nursing, Mahidol University (THA35)

LINKS Magazine Vol16: Research Institute for Hospice and Palliative Care, College of Nursing, The Catholic University of Korea (KOR104)

LINKS Magazine Vol16: Office of International Affairs, School of Nursing, University of Michigan (USA283)

LINKS Magazine Vol17: School of Nursing, John Hopkins University (USA297)

LINKS Magazine Vol17: Office of International Affairs, School of Nursing, University of Michigan (USA283)

LINKS Magazine Vol17: University of Illinois at Chicago (USA193)

LINKS Magazine Vol.17: School of Nursing, University of Natal (SOA13)

LINKS Magazine Vol.17: School of Nursing, University of Alabama at Birmingham (USA241)