Strategic direction: Increase the availability of health workers by sustainably creating nursing and midwifery jobs, effectively recruiting and retaining midwives and nurses, and ethically managing international mobility and migration. Resources from the Network PANMCC ActivitiesWHOCC USA241 Report WHO CC UTS (AUS93) - JobsAUS93 Webpage Sustain and Retain in 2022 and Beyond: The Global Nursing Workforce And The COVID-19 Pandemic International Centre on Nurse Migration Brief Length and Breadth of Primary Health Care by Novice NursesLINKS Magazine Vol.16: Christian Medical College and Hospital (IND138) A Case Study for Promoting Mental Health among Junior High School Students in LobatseLINKS Magazine Vol16: University of Botswana (BOT3) Undignified Maternity Care: Voices of Rural South African Registered MidwivesLINKS Magazine Vol.17: School of Nursing, University of Natal (SOA13) Addressing Nurse Faculty Training Needs and Challenges for Incorporating Simulation in Nursing Education in the CaribbeanLINKS Magazine Vol17: Office of International Affairs, School of Nursing, University of Michigan (USA283) Expanding Roles, Education and Regulation of Caribbean Nurses in Primary Health CareLINKS Magazine Vol17: University of Illinois at Chicago (USA193) Welcome the new Johns Hopkins School of Nursing Institute for Policy SolutionsLINKS Magazine Vol17: School of Nursing, John Hopkins University (USA297) The 17th National Nursing Conference: “Toward Metaverse: Nursing System Post Pandemic in Aging SoceityLINKS Magazine Vol.17: Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University (THA34) The 33rd Academic Conference: “Precision Nursing: Challenges Role in Improving Quality of CareLINKS Magazine Vol.17: Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University (THA34) Empowering Healthcare: European WHO Collaborating Centres in Nursing and MidwiferyLINKS Magazine Vol.17 Regional Nursing and Midwifery Forum in the Western Pacific: The Philippines - 14th to 16th February 2024LINKS Magazine Vol.17: University of Technology Sydney (AUS93)