christian medical college and hospital
WHO Collaborating Centre for nursing and midwifery development
Dr. Vinitha Ravindran, Dean, BSN, RN, RM, MSN
Mrs. Shandrila Immanuel, Professor and Deputy Dean
To assist WHO to strengthen nursing and midwifery services at the primary health care level to achieve Universal Health Coverage.
Upon WHO’s request, to support capacity building of nursing and midwifery workforce to strengthen capacity to better respond to current health challenges, especially in the area of the prevention and control of non-communicable disease, emergency and disaster nursing, as well as mental health.
To support WHO by collecting and disseminating evidence related to non-communicable diseases through collaborative nursing research under WHO’s leadership.
This institution is a member of the

- Development of integrated Community health Nursing Service models The Nurse led Community Based Primary Care Model developed by College of Nursing known as CONCH ( College of Nursing Community Health ) continues to provide primary health care services through home visits, nurse led clinics and other health promotional activities. A research proposal to evaluate the effectiveness of the CONCH Service model has been initiated.
- Development of SOP’s and management of algorithms for Community Health nurses for prevention and control of non – communicable diseases A. A major event conducted on February, 13th and 14th, 2020 was the National Community Health nursing conference with the theme ”Community Health Nurses – Trendsetters for Universal Health Coverage to Compact NCDs”. B. Conduct of awareness and Screening Camps for Diabeties, Hypertension, anaemia, obesity and cancer C. School Screening Programme for anaemia, worm infestation, dental and menstrual irregularities D. Ongoing research studies being undertaken on NCD’s – A descriptive study to assess compassion, satisfaction and compassion fatigue among Oncology nurses – A study to assess the risk factors of foot ulcers, awareness and practices of foot care among diabetic patients in the selected population of Vellore district – A study on “ Oral breast Cancer cervix screening in low resource setting.
- Combating COVID 19. The WHOCC NM is involved in country’s response to COVID-19 through establishing systems, capacity buildings and COVID-19 information dissemination. The nursing faculty and staff continue to be the frontline workers in the COVID -19 pandemic management. As frontline workers the nursing personnel participate in spreading awareness about the COVID Vaccination and are involved in administering the vaccine. Faculty research projects on Psychological impact of COVID -19, Knowledge, attitude and practice, Level of satisfaction and communication on COVID-19, Experiences of Midwife caring for women in COVID wards, nurse managers’ clinical management decision making process in pandemic situation, perceived social support and stigma among patients with COVID 19 infection, fear and resilience of nurses working in COVID 19 areas are being undertaken. A virtual student exchange platform was held for effective collaborative educational exchange programme to learn on Global Health/Population based health care focused from local to Global level between College of Nursing, CMC Vellore and School of Nursing, University of Kansas. The first programme was held on impact of COVID on local community. Three faculty and 28 Masters in Nursing students of the WHOCC NM participated in the Virtual Conference jointly conducted by the Indian Public Health Association (IPHA) and Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM) on the 8 – 9, January, 2021. The Faculty presented papers on the theme of the conference “Health system challenges, changes and adjustments – Interdisciplinary approach, lessons from COVID 19 pandemic.”
- Capacity building in strengthening Nursing and midwifery The final year nursing students of all programs were trained on Disaster management through a two day workshop conducted on Microsoft Teams online platform which included lectures on the concepts of disaster management, preparedness, care of vulnerable and crisis management. This being the time of the pandemic, capacity building to combat COVID 19 was included. The nursing faculty were involved in planning and setting up of wards to admit COVID patients, screening, training of nursing personnel and patients on the management and prevention od COVID 19. Online teaching programmes of all level of nursing students are continuing to be held due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation. The faculty of WHOCC NM participated in the reproductive, Maternal, New Born, Child and Adolescent health and Ageing, Long term care of older people during COVID 19 Webinar series conducted by MCA/WHO/SEARO in collaboration with Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar, India. Various Workshops, e-seminars and Webinars were conducted on topic such as Airway Management, Risk factors and Management of Stroke and Preparation, Triaging and Management of COVID 19 positive patients and outbreak, Facility Based Newborn Care, Safe Transfusion, Suicidal Prevention, Caring for Surgically Ill Child, Sampling and Tool Development, Teaching and Learning Evaluation. Distance Education on Stoma Care Nursing and short – term course on Peritoneal Dialysis, Research Methodology was conducted. Three months training of Government staff nurses from the state of Madhya Pradesh was conducted in view of capacity building in different fields of nursing.
- Collaborative nursing research Follow up sessions with Kansas University USA on Evaluation of the Nurse Led Community Care Model and Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on nursing personnel was conducted. Nurse Researcher of WHOCC NM participates in the systematic review under Mental health Gap action programme (mhGAP) of the WHO aiming to explore treatment – seeking behaviors of people living with depression, schizophrenia and epilepsy in low and middle – income countries The Collaborative research with Birmingham City University, UK on “Diabetes in Mentally ill” a Community based study is developed.
- Bai J H, Ravindran V. (2019). Job stress among nurses. Indian J Cont Nsg Edn 20 (2), 92-6 DOI:10.4103/IJCN.IJCN_11_20.
- Bhaskaran Lakshmi, Jenny.S:(2021) ‘Effect of Infra-red radiation on pain and wound healing among women who underwent cesarean section is Published in ‘Quest Journal of Medical and Dental science research’ ISSN (Online) 2394-0736 X ISSN (Print) 2394 – 0721, Volume -8, issue 2, Senses 2, Page No: 12 -18, Feb 2021.
- David Diana., Benjamin Ellen., ( 2021) A Study on Insomnia among Postmenopausal Women Visiting the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Services, CMC Vellore, the Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences Volume 10, issue 1 Jan –Feb 2021.
- Devakirubai Dorothy., Benjamin Ellen., (2020) “Birth Satisfaction of Women delivered at CMC, Vellore” – International Organization of Scientific Research Journal of Nursing and Health Science, Volume 9, Issue 3, Ser. IX, May – June 2020. Pages – 45 – 51.
- Durai S. Building blocks:( 2020) The art and science of searching the literature. Indian J Cont Nsg Edn [serial online] 2020 [cited 2021 Apr12] ; 21:193-7. Available from:
- Emily Jane., Benjamin Ellen., Jenny.S.,( 2020) A study to assess the effectiveness of simulation based teaching on Manual Expression of Breast Milk among Mothers of Babies Admitted in the Neonatal Unit – IJCNE ; e-ISSN: 2230-7354. p-ISSN:2330-7354 Volume 21, Issue 2 20 years of publication (July-December 2020 PP 143-149).
- Hepsi Bai, J & Ravindran, V. (2020). Whether perceived organizational support influence job satisfaction among nurses? A cross-sectional survey finding from Indian perspective. International Journal of Current Research, 12(12) pp.15316-15319.DOI:
- Jarone Anne., Benjamin Ellen., (2020) “Quality of sleep in the first trimester of pregnant women” in International Organization of Scientific Research Journals, Volume 10 issue:3 series – 4. May 8th 2020.
- Johnson, M., Chetty, J., Priyadarsini, I. S., & Suganandam, D. K. (2020). Continuing education series Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education, 21(1), 81.
- Kujar Lillian , Princy Abijah, Lucas Amalarpavamary, (2020), Compassion Satisfaction and Compassion Fatigue among Oncology Nurses, – International Journal of Science and Research, Volume 9 Issue 9, September 2020,Pg. 192-195.
- Kujar Lillian , Princy Abijah, Lucas Amalarpavamary, (2020), Diamond Blackfan Anemia – A Case Report’ International Journal of Science and Research, Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020.
- Latha Gracelin, Kujur Lilian, Lucas Amalorpavamary, (2020), Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome – A Case Report” – International Journal of Science and Research, Volume 9 Issue 9, September 2020,Pg. 566 – 573.
- Lee,P., Emmanuel, N. (2021) “Nursing organization during COVID-19: Experiences of a tertiary care centre in India” Nursing management. Accepted for publication on 28th March 2021.
- Mary Jancy, (2020), Effectiveness of Ear Plugs in Enhancing Comfort and Sleep among Critically Ill Patients, International Journal of Science and Research ,Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020.
- Mary Jancy, Hilda M, et al, (2020), Abdominal Cocoon: A Case Presentation International Journal of Scientific Research. Volume – 9, Issue – 9, September – 2020.
- Meenakshi S, Hilda M , (2020), Knowledge regarding snake bite prevention and first aid management, International journal of Nursing research ,Volume. No: 9, Issue -7, July, 2020.
- Murugesan M, Anand J, Durai S, Dutta A, Mahasampath G. (2020), Effectiveness of video instruction on anxiety, knowledge of procedure and quality of bowel cleanliness among patients undergoing colonoscopy. Indian J Cont Nsg Edn [serial online] 2020 [cited 2021 Apr 14];21:64-9. Available from:
- Nair, M.A. & Lee, P. (2020) “Influence of Learning styles and Emotional Intelligence on the academic performance of undergraduate Nursing students” IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME) e-ISSN: 2320–7388, p- ISSN: 2320-737x Volume 10, Issue 5 Ser. IV (Sep. – Oct. 2020), PP 43-49
- Paul Sheeba,(2020), Correlation between spiritual well-being, perceived social support and Anxiety among cancer patients receiving palliative care, Journal of Nursing and Health Science, volume 9, Issue 06, : 9-14.
- Pratheeba., Sony Alice., (2020), Effectiveness of simulation based teaching on knowledge and skill regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation of pregnant women among nursing personnel, International journal of science and research, 2020.
- Prashanthi, (2020), A study to assess Perceived Stress and coping strategies of postnatal mothers – IOSR – JNHS; e-ISSN: 2320-1959.p-ISSN: 2320-1940 Volume 9, Issue 3 Ser, XI (May – June 2020, PP 15 – 26).
- Princy Abijah, Kujur Lilian, Lucas Amalaorpavamary, (2020), Stone bone- Is Osteopetrosis as hard as can be?” Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education, Volume 21, Issue 1, January-June 2020, Pg.20-26.
- Priyadarsini, I. S., Ravindran, V., Sadan, V., Nayak, R., Chander, V., Kumar, D., & Belavendra, A. (2020). Effectiveness of Innovative use of Technology in Classroom Teaching on Academic Achievements and Overall Satisfaction of Nursing Students. IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science, 9(5), 1-10.
- Rajakumari,A., Lee,P., Rebekah, G., Raju, H., & Durai, S. (2020), Work Life Balance of Nurses during Pandemic, IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS) e-ISSN: 2320–1959.p- ISSN: 2320–1940 Volume 9, Issue 6 Ser. I (Nov. – Dec. 2020), PP 45-48.
- Sam, P.R. & Lee, P. (2020) Do Stress and Resilence among undergraduate students exist?, International Journal of Nursing Education (IJONE) ISSN – 0974 -9357Jan – March. 2020, volume 12, Number 1. PP 152 – 155.
- Selva Grace Shaly, Segaran F., Christopher J. & Samarasam I., ‘Comparison of the effectiveness of Glycerine Magnesium Sulphate paste vs Heparinoid (Thrombophob) ointment on phlebitis among patients on peripheral intravenous therapy’ Journal of medical science and clinical research, Volume – 08 Issue 05 May 2020 Page No 27 – 34.
- Suganandam, D. K., Anand, J. R., Rajan, A., Singh, G., & Yadav, B. K. (2020). An experimental study to determine the effectiveness of blunt pressure technique on pain response among patients receiving intramuscular injection. Indian Journal of Pain, 34(1), 34.
- Suganandam, D. K., Anand, J. R., Rajan, A., Singh, G., & Yadav, B. K. (2020). Procedural Pain on Satisfaction. Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research, 10(2), 171-174.
- Susila I. E., Esther A. A., Rani S.P ., Charles M. V. S., Chacko S.T., & Rebekah G. (2020). Factor analysis for academic dishonesty tendency scale: validation for Indian context. Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education, 21(1):32-37.
- Walter Naomi Nancy, Jacob. A.R, Durai.S & Dukhabandhu Naik, (2020), Awareness and practices of footwear among patients with diabetes and a high-risk foot”, The Diabetic Foot Journal, Volume 23 No 3, October 2020.
- Worlanso., Sony Alice., Quality of Life and Health-seeking behaviour of women with Postpartum Urinary Incontinence, Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research, July – September, 2020, vol 10, issue -03, 2231-1149 (Print) 2349-2996, available online at
- A virtual student exchange platform was held for effective collaborative educational exchange programme to learn on Global Health/Population based health care focused from local to Global level between College of Nursing, CMC Vellore and School of Nursing, University of Kansas. The first programme is on impact of COVID on local community.
- Workshop on Writing a Research Proposal for IRB.
- Airway Management: Trends & Updates.
- Facility Based New Born Care.
- Stress Management.
- Clinical Transfusion Practices for Nurse.
- Research Gate, Linkedin & Google Scholar.
- Paraphrasing, Plagiarism.
- Nursing Management of Children with Acute Illness.
- Safe Surgery Together.
- Writing for Publication.
- Nutrition: A key to early recovery in surgical patients.
- Pathophysiology, Diagnosis & Medical Management.
- Nursing Assessment & Management.
- Craniocerebral Injury- Introduction, Classification and Medical Management.
- Nursing Assessment & Management.
- Clinical NurTure Series The webinars titled Clinical Nurture series on “ Partogram.”
- Course on Research Methodology: A short course on Research Methodology was conducted from December 7-12, 2020 through the online forum.
- Clinical Nurture series using realtech environment – Topic : Obstetric Triage – 20th April , 2021.
- Research Methodology Course, Level 2 from 17th – 22nd May, 2021.
- National Paediatric Nursing Conference – Theme – “ Innovations and Advances in Paediatric Nursing : Gateway for Quality Care” on 24 – 25, June, 2021.
- Virtual Research Methodology course for SEARO Region, June 2021.
- As part of the International Year of Nurses and Midwife 2020 celebration, the National Institute of Health and family Welfare (NIHFW) conducted an Online Training course on Building Nursing and Midwifery Leadership for achieving UHC/SDG, the Director of WHOCC NM presented a talk on “Leadership for building and sustaining Model Nursing and Midwifery management practices: integration of teaching and services” on 8th October 2020. Indian Nursing Council in collaboration with the UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) organized a virtual capacity building program for the midwifery faculty in the Schools and Colleges of Nursing in India. A faculty of WHOCC NM is the resource faculty for the TOT programme for strengthening reproductive, maternal and neonatal health services by nurse practitioners in midwifery (NPMs) through Midwife Led Care Units (MLCUs).
- Jhpiego in collaboration with Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), INC and State Government conducted a webinar on “Investing in Nursing Education, Jobs and Leadership in India: Committing to a decade of action” A Faculty from the WHOCC NM had the opportunity to present a talk on “Integration of Nursing Education and Service and Nurse Led Community Based Care.”
- The Director of the WHOCCNM, participated in the WHO-ICN-ICM Triad meeting. The centre has enrolled in the Nursing Now 2020 – Nightingale Challenge. The WHOCC NM Director participated in the WHO Global Strategic Directions for Strengthening Nursing and Midwifery Meeting through ZOOM platform held on 13th January,2021. The WHOCC NM Director participated in the virtual regional consultation meeting on the draft Global Strategic Directions for Nursing and Midwifery (SDNM) held on 27 January, 2021 conducted by the WHO SEARO HQ.
- The Special issue of the Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education, Volume 21, issue 1, January – June,2020 (An Official Publication of College of Nursing, CMC Vellore) celebrating the Jubilee Years of Higher Education in the WHOCC NM was published. The journal can be accessed online at Initiation of blended learning for short courses on peritoneal dialysis The Peritoneal Dialysis course was conducted using blended learning methods through the MOODLE platform.
- The Director of WHOCC attended the webinar on “Embracing ageing in the Western Pacific: End-of Life care in Korea and epidemiology of frailty in WPRO countries. The Director of WHICC attended the Planning Session of the ICN Congress to be held between 2nd & 4th November 2021 with the theme “Nursing Around the World”.

The Director of the WHOCCNM, participated in the GNWHOCC Executive Committee Meetings and WHO SEAR meeting to review the Regional Strategic Directions for Strengthening Midwifery in South East Asia region. As a WHOCCNM activity a short video was prepared and sent to the Health for all film Festival. The centre has enrolled in the Nursing Now 2020 Nightingale Challenge.
Distance Education on Stoma Care Nursing and Short Course on Research Methodology was conducted
A National conference on “Qualitative Research Methods” was conducted. The National Community Health Nursing Conference on “CHN’s Trendsetters for Universal Health coverage to combat NCDs.” was held. Workshops and Webinars on Substance Abuse, Childhood Diabetes, Gastro Intestinal surgical Emergencies, Cardiac Arrhythmias, Stroke, Breast cancer, Respiratory Emergencies, Advanced Colorectal diseases, Gynae Oncology conditions, HIV /AIDS, Disaster preparedness, Team based learning and First Aid were conducted. Collaborative research with Birmingham City University, UK on a Community based study on “Diabetes in Mentally Ill” has been initiated. A Nurse Led Community Based Primary Care Model is being evaluated. A two day workshop for Capacity Building in Strengthening of Emergency and Disaster Nursing was conducted among students fishermen community and health profession. One Faculty presented her research findings on “The Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis in critical care settings” in the APEDNN conference.
- Chandran.S, Vijayakumar.C,Babu,V, (2019),Effectiveness of structured teaching on knowledge, attitude and practice of patients undergoing mastectomy regarding lymphoedema, Kerala Nursing Forum, Vol -14, No 4, 4-9
- Chandran.S, Jesudoss.I, (2020) Benign Breast Disorder: An Overview, Journal of Nursing and Health Science, Vol 9, Issue 1, 22-26
- Charles.M, Daniel.E, ( 2019), Understanding and Fostering Empathy in Nursing, Vol 8, Issue 7, 1David .D, Benjamin.E, ( 2019), Gynaecological Cancers , Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education, Vol 20 440 -1443
- Jarone.A, Benjamin.E, (2019), Factors causing stress in Midwifery students, Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education, Vol 20 , No1, 65-69
- Lilly.M, Jacob.R, Jesudoss.I, Emmnuel.N, (2019), Knowledge and Attitude regarding prevention of constipation among post-operative patients, Journal of Nursing and Health science, Vol 8, Issue 4 , 30-32
- Nancy.W, Seetharaman.B, (2019), Care of patient with laryngotracheal injury: A case report, International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol 8, No 8, 277 -279
- Priyadharshini.N, Nancy.W, (2019), Nursing care of a patient with Acute Invasive Fungal sinusitis: A Case Report, International Journal of Science and Research, Vol 8, No 8, 362-367
- Ravindran V, (2019) Qualitative Data Analysis. Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education 26(1).
- Sheeba.P, Ravindaran.V, Esther.A, Susila.E, Charles.M, Rose.A, Chacko.S, (2019), Nursing students’ Perception and Practices related to Academic Integrity, international Journal of Nursing education, Vol11, No 3, 51 – 56
- The College of Nursing Community Health (CONCH) Outreach Clinic was inaugurated on 9th July 2019 to provide secondary level health care services
- A National conference on “Qualitative Research Methods” was conducted on 21st and 22nd November, 2019.
- Distance Education on Stoma Care Nursing was conducted for the Seventh batch from 2nd September to 30th November, 2019. First short term course on Peritoneal Dialysis was held from 15th January to 14th February ,2020. A short course on Research Methodology was conducted from February 25- March 1, 2019
- The National Community Health Nursing Conference on “CHN’s Trendsetters for Universal Health coverage to combat NCDs” was held on 13th And 14th February
- Workshop on Nursing competencies for disaster preparedness: 26.7.19
- Leadership Training for young nurses, Tamilnadu Nurses and Midwives Council-Training of Trainers programme for leadership
- Network of WHOCC in India will meet with the theme “Communication Collaboration& Cohesion of WHOCC to march together, Director will participate Advocacy and Policy Strengthening the Voices and Capacities of Health Professionals in Thailand, Director will participate in the Regional Meetin for Midterm review of progress of the decade of strengthening human resources for health in South East Asian Region
- The centre will participate in ” We thank you photo competition”
- Workshops- faclity base newborn care, airway management and webiners on neuro development and strock will be conducted. Community prepareness for disaster management training programme is being organized in a rural population(25 Villages), Management of NCD’s using WHO module to educate tribal population in Tamilnadu.
- Research on community health nursing service model towards universal health coverage is being initiated . The research on effectiveness of a decade old community health nurse led clinic model programme is initiated.
- The centre is striving to establish a well equipped, state of the art national reference simulation centre which will serve as a model for the country and the South East Asian Region for educating novice nurses and Allied Health Science Students. The centre is on the process of obtaining National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) certification .

Christian Medical College, College of Nursing, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
The past year had been relatively eventful with definite progress, new initiatives and constant effort to continue with the previous legacy of our college. The Faculty with the dual responsibility plays an important role in improving the quality of patient care and preparing committed, competent and compassionate nursing staff and students with professional excellence. The faculty provides leadership in the management of the clinical areas, ensuring quality patient care in addition to their educational activities in the college.
A total of 873 (692 Undergraduates and 181 Postgraduates) students are on roll this year Part time PhD programme is also offered under the Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R.Medical University and through the National Consortium for PhD in Nursing under the Indian Nursing council.Passion for teaching and a constant drive to improve the quality of education has enabled the faculty to adopt different creative methods of teaching. Problem based learning and E -learning were used. OSCE (Objective structured clinical examination) was introduced in the clinical examination this year. To strengthen the classroom teaching and to bring about sound clinical practice, the students were given opportunity to learn through simulation in the skill labs and through hands on practice in the wards and clinical areas of the hospital. The students were oriented to the primary and secondary health care systems in India through the experiences gained in Community Health Programme.
The College serves as a resource centre for nursing and midwifery development and for educating and training nursing teachers in India
Online contact classess on Stoma Care Nursing was conducted from 5/11/18 to 10/11/18 and from 28/1/19 to 2/2/19 respectively. Online modules were prepared and uploaded in the CMC E – learning website
A short course on Research Methodology was conducted from February 25- March 1, 2019
Bioethics curriculum was formulated and would be integrated in the course for the undergraduate students.Seven Faculty have registered for an Online Bioethics course under UNESCO Bioethics Chair.
PG Diploma in Medical Law and Ethics
Seven faculty are pursuing PGDMLE Distance Education course under National Law School of India University, Bangalore.
Short course on Chemotherapy and Peritoneal dialysis are on the pipeline.
OSCE online Module was created and hosted in LM Excellence platform (private firm for online learning) as an open access in the community portal as a test module. Thirty nurses/students took the course and got certified.
Disaster Nursing online module was created and has been sent to The Tamilnadu Nurses and Midwifery Council to be hosted in the website for training nurses in the country on disaster preparedness and management.
Infection control practices, Stroke modules are also prepared and kept ready for online accreditation
PhD synopsis and proposal presentation, Pre PhD Examination, Contact classes, Seminars, Academic review and core committee meetings were carried out using video conferencing facilities.
One issue of Indian Journal of Continuing Education (IJCNE) was published from July to December 2018.
MOU between the College of Nursing and Director of Health Services, Government of India, Madhya Pradesh have been initiated in March 2015 to assist in the Capacity Building of the nursing cadre in Critical Care, Oncology Nursing, Emergency and Trauma Nursing, Renal Nursing, Cardiac Critical care Nursing, OR Nursing, through developing three months short term courses. This year totally 121 staff nurses were trained in four groups (Seven, Eight, nine and tenth batch).
Capacity Building in Strengthening of Emergency and Disaster Nursing
Using WHO Disaster Management guidelines, training programmes were conducted. The CON is recognized as the Resource Centre for training nurses in emergency and disaster management by the TamilNadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University and the Government of TamilNadu. Two day workshop was conducted and 273 students were prepared to serve as an effective workforce during disaster. Mass casuality management and disaster preparedness in service programme and workshop were conducted for nursing and midwifery workforce and other health personnel within the institution and outside respectively.
Two day training was conducted in 13 batches between August to October 2018 for 160 staff nurses and 130 Nurse Supervisors working in Government sectors on Emergency and Disaster Management under The TamilNadu Accident and Emergency Care Initiative (TAEI) programme.
Two Faculty participated in the Asia Pacific Emergency and Disaster Nursing Network (APEDNN) core group meetings and presented papers in the in the Conference held at Cambodia.
Three national conferences and eighteen workshops were conducted which enabled the nursing fraternity within the institution and country to update their knowledge and skills with the current advancement of the profession.
A National conference on “Hope in Distress” was conducted on 22-24 October 2019 in collaboration with the Christian medical Association Of India (CMAI) – Nurses league
The first ever National Perioperative Conference for Operating Room nurses on “Patient safety in Peri-Operative Setting” was conducted in Nov 2018. The Association of Perioperative Nursing in India (APNI) was first formed.
The First National Nursing Pre-Conference Workshop and Conference on Haematology nursing “HAEMATOCON 2018” was held in Oct 2018.
Florence Taylor Memorial Library is one of the biggest library available exclusively for nurses. It is equipped with 9633 books and 22 International, 30 Indian and CINAHL online journals. The library facility caters to Faculty and students within and outside the Institution.
The Faculty are involved in research activities and some of them hold official posts in the professional organization and academic committees within the country. Ten Faculty and twenty seven M.Sc. Nursing student’s research proposals were screened by the College of nursing research committee. The research projects requiring ethical clearance were taken to the Institutional Review Board. Funding was provided as requested.
A Survey on Nurse Migration is undertaken by Loyola Institute of Social Science Training and Research (LISSTAR), Institute of Developing Economics (IDE_JETRO), Japan and College of Nursing, CMC Vellore. The study is conducted to explore the socio economic background of nursing students, their motivation to join nursing course, future career prospects, investigate career development of nurses and factors, processes and consequences of nurse international migration.
One faculty is the co-investigator in the study on “Comparison of intravenous and perineural dexamethasone IN Ultra-sound guided Paravertebral Block in Pediatric Patient Undergoing Open Pyeloplasty: A Prospective Double-Blinded Randomized Clinical Study.”
The Community Health Nursing services are provided in the rural, urban and tribal communities covering a total population of 4,15,617. The services includes home visits, conduction of reproductive and child health services, Morbidity clinics, Referral services and other special programmes like School Health, Mothers programme, Youth and Leaders meeting, Self Help Women Group, Mass Education programmes, Health camps and Health Exhibitions. In the secondary level Rural Hospitals the nurses also provide Maternal and child care services, conduction of deliveries and assisting in operations. The College of Nursing Community Health (CONCH) program continues to function in 24 villages comprising of a rural population of 71172 and the services are rendered purely by nurses. Regular MCH, First aid and Morbidity clinics are conducted and referral services are made possible to the tertiary level care when required.
The Occupational Health Nurse Practitioner (OHNP) assists in pre-employment and annual checkup and vaccination, health assessment, treatment and referral of staff and students of the institution. Services of Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) include assessment, treatment, referral, health education and counseling
Several new services such as Geriatric Club, health clinics, School Toilet construction in a Government High School and Career Guidance Centre were inaugurated. Environmental Sanitation and Nutrition Education projects, School and Community Screening for Leprosy Health Camps were undertaken. 556 women working in leather factory were screened for oral cancer, breast and cervical cancers and general health.
Under the Model Village Project 194 toilets were constructed. Under Income Generation Program activities for farmers Fishery Skills and honey bee rearing training was given. Fish fingerlings, hen, cattle and honey bee-hives were distributed. Village common fund account was formed and bank account in Indian Bank, was started.
Health Exhibition “CORPORA” was conducted from 9-12 October 2018. A total of 5139 School children were educated in various aspects of health.
One of the secondary hospital received 3rd prize and a certificate of appreciation from the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Tamil Nadu for the best performance (maximum number of sterilizations) among voluntary organization on 28.02.19 from the Honorable Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Tamilnadu.
Various International and National Health Days such as safe motherhood day, breast feeding week, newborn week, World health day etc were celebrated. Health exhibition, awareness programmes, health camps were conducted. Quiz and competition conducted and prizes awarded.
Students continued bringing laurels to their Alma mater. They excelled in academics, sports and cultural. Students hailing from marginalised sections of society and aspire to go higher in their careers were offered scholarships.
- Abraham, D., Ravindran, V., Rose, V.,& Michael, J.S. (2018). Effectiveness of chlorhexidine bath, saline bath and standard bath on bacterial colonization on the skin. Asian Journal of Pharamaceuticals and Clinical Research, 11 (10), 330-334.
- Christopher, J., Charles, H., Dolakia, S., Sebastian, T. (2018). A study to associate relapse with attitude towards medication, explanatory models among people with schizophrenia and their care giver knowledge regarding schizophrenia. IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science, 4(1), 78-84. doi: 10.9790/1959-0704017884
- Daniel, J. V., Siva, R., Ravikumar, T. S., Mohan, V. R., & Rebekah, G. (2018). Effectiveness of Community Based Mass Casualty Preparedness program among Rural Youth and their knowledge, Attitude and selected skills towards Mass Casualty Management. Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education, 19(2), 85-90.
- David, D. (2019). Stress of Staff nurses working in Pediatric wards of CMC,Vellore. International journal for Applied research, 11 (ii), 44-45.
- David, D. Obesity in Children. International Journal of Innovative Publications in Pediatric and Nursing Science. 1 (1), 15-16
- Immanuel, S., Siva, R., Jasmine, S., & Yadav, B. K. (2018). Drug Adherence and Status of Blood Pressure Control among Hypertensive Patients. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research, 6(6), 32-35.
- Jacob, A, R., Reka, K., George, R, E., Mathew L., Jesudoss, I. (2018). The family support among patients with Psoriasis. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research, 6 (11), 8-12.
- Jacob, A.R., & Jesudoss, I. (2019). Perceived Self-Efficacy among patients with Psoriasis. International Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology, 4 (1). Retrieved from
- Jadhav, S., Lee, P. & Souza, C. (2018). Effectiveness of pre haemodialysis preparatory program on improving coping among chronic kidney disease patients. Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation, 29 (6), 1342-1349.
- Jeyarani, A. (2018). De Quervain disease. Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education , 19 (1), 38-42.
- Jeyarani, A. (2019). Handbook on Drug calculation for Nurses.
- Jeyarani, A. (2019). Role of Family Nurse Practitioner in ambulatory care. Indian Journal of Family Medicine and primary care.
- Jobin, P., Siva, R., Sudha, R., & Hema.V.H. (2018). Intersensory perception Model: Integrating the Sixth Sense in providing nursing care. Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 4 (1), 8-17.
- Khaja, J., & Seetharaman, B. Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge and practice regarding Long Term Oxygen Therapy: A pre-experimental study. International Journal of Nursing Education, 10 (4), 59-63. doi: 10.5958/0974-9357.2018.00102.2
- Manoharan, M. (2018) Morbidity pattern and the outcome of triaging children attending Pediatric Emergency Services of a Tertiary Care Hospital, S. India. IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science, 7 (2), 1- 7.
- Nagarajan, P., Sadan, V., Sindhu, Masih, O., Gowri, M. S. (2018) Physical activity, functional status and quality of sleep among ambulant older adults. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research, 6(12), 154-157.
- Nirmal, I. & Lee, P. (2019). Quality of Life of Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease. IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 8 (2), 45-49.
- Priyadharshini, J., Sadan, V., Prashanth., & Sebastian, T. (2018). Community Based Intervention Package on Knowledge, Attitude and Selected Skills of Home Care among Primary Care Givers of Children with Cerebral Palsy. Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education, 18(2), 46-50.
- Rabindran, P., & Sadan, V. (2018). Infertility: An Emotional Roller- Coaster. Journal of Nursing Today, 6 (1), 1-8.
- Rabindran, P., & Sadan, V. (2018). Lifestyle of women attending infertility clinic of a Tertiary Hospital in Puducherry: A pilot study. International Journal of Nursing Education, 10(4), 93-97.
- Radhakrishnan, B., David, S., Sekar, M., Jesudoss, I., & Vijayananthan, S. (2019). Perception regarding End of Life Care among Staff Nurses. International Journal of Science and Research, 8 (1), 1815-1819.
- Raju,H., Lee, P., Jayaseeli,D., & Durai.S. (2018). Symptom Experience of patients with Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic cancers and Burden of Family Caregivers. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research, 6(6), 57-61.
- Rani, P.P., & Sadan, V. (2018). Video Teaching on Screening of Mental Illnesses: A Pilot Study. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry, 34(2), 152-156. DOi: 10-4103/ijsp.ijsp_79_17.
- Ranjani, P., Siva, R., Helan, J., & Gowri, M. S. (2018). Morbidity Pattern and Health Seeking Behaviour of Gypsy Community. International Journal of Nursing Education, 10(3), 77-82. doi:10.5958/0974-9357.2018.00071.5
- Ravindran, V. (2018). Need for Paradigm shift to Transform Nursing Education. Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education, 19 (1), 3-4.
- Rebecca, G & Ravindran, V. (2018). Statistical analysis in nursing research. Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education, 19 (1), 62-70.
- Rosalind. S. E., Siva, R., Sindhu, J., & Vaishnavi. (2018). Health Status of adolescent and their perceived need for an Adolescent Health Service in a selected area of Vellore District. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research, 6(5), 78-82.
- Sadan, V.(2018). Data Collection Methods in Quantitative Research. Indian Journal of Continuing Education, 17(2), 58-63.
- Santhosh, R. “Peritoneal Dialysis Primer- titled ” Organization of a Peritoneal Dialysis Program- The Nurse’s Role”, First Edition, Published by Biocon India Ltd, Pages 712- 721.
- Santosh contributed towards writing guidelines for Indian Society of Nephrology on ‘Identifying and Managing complications during Hemodialysis’ – Published in ISN guidelines
- Seetharaman, B., Lee, P., Zachariah, A., & Kirubakaran, R. R. (2018). Self-care intervention guidelines on reduction of anxiety among persons living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Journal of Medical Science and Clinical research, 6(8). doi: 10.18535/jmscr/v6i8.151
- Sekar, M., & David, S. (2018). Knowledge regarding End of Life Care among Staff Nurses. International Journal of Scientific Research, 7(5)18-20.
- Simpson, C., Lee, P., & Lionel, J. (2018). Grief perceived by the women with late pregnancy loss and its associated factors before and after Bereavement Counseling. International Journal of Nursing & Midwifery Research, 5(4), 19-25.
- Siva, R., & Nagarajan, P. (2018). Disaster Management – Introduction, Community Preparedness and Response and Role of a Public Health Nurse. Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education, 19(2), 58-69.
- Suganandam, D. K. (2018). Handoff Communication: Hallmark of Nurses. Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education, 19(1), 12-20.
- Taub, J. M., Coats, H., Coats, C., Doorenbos, A., Siva, R., Sadan, V., … & Nolet, R. (2019). Palliative care delivery: descriptions of community-based services in Vellore, India, and Seattle, Washington. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 25(1), 39-45.
- Terina, J., Priyadarshini, J., Sadan, V. (2018) Level of stress, stressors and coping strategies among Engineering College students in Vellore District. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research, 6 (12), 174-176.
- Umesh, S. (2018). Case study: Sweet syndrome. Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education, 19(1), 31-37.
- Walton, M. & Lee, P. (2018). Resilence: A Literature Review. International Journal of Research in Medical and Basic Sciences, 4 (6).
- Xavier, R. (2018). Pain Intensity among patients undergoing laparoscopic, scopic, and open surgeries for genio-urological disorders. Journal of Nursing Trendz, 9(3), 3-5. doi: 10.5958/2249-3190.2018.00034.
- Workshop on “Quality and Safety in Patient Care- The Essence of Nursing” conducted on 07.07.2018.
- Indian Academy of Paediatric course on Paediatric Advanced Life Support on 27.07.2018
- Workshop on Quality Aspects in Nursing care conducted on 24.08.2018
- Workshop on Pearls of Fall prevention conducted on 27.09.2018
- American Heart Association Course on Basic Life Support conducted on 09.10.2018
- The 70th National Conference of the Nurses League, Christian Medical Association of India conducted on 22.10.2018 to 24.10.2018
- The First National Nursing Pre-conference workshop and Conference on Haematology Nursing – HAEMATOCON 2018 conducted in October 2018
- Online Contact classes on Stoma Care Nursing conducted between 05.11.2018 to 10.11.2018 and 28.01.2019 to 02.02.2019.
- The First National Perioperative nursing conference on Improving Patient Safety in the Perioperative Setting held on 19.11.2018 to 20.11.2018
- Workshop on Preparation of Bioethics curriculum for nurses held between 08.11.2018 to 09.11.2018
- Workshop on Isolation Precautions “Challenges and changes” conducted on 05.12.2018
- American Heart Association Trainer Course on Basic Life Support conducted on 11.12.2018
- Workshop on Core Nursing competencies in Disaster Management conducted on 23.01.2019
- Workshop on the Essence of Communication and Documentation conducted on 07.02.2019
- A Short course on Research Methodology conducted on 25.02.2019 to 01.03.2019
- Workshop on Facility Based New Born Care conducted on 07.03.2019.
- National Conference on “Qualitative Research Methods” in November 2019
- National Conference on “Universal Health Coverage: Empowering nurses and Midwives” by the Society of community Health Nurses India in Jan 2020
- State level Workshop on “Breast Care” in September 2019
- State Level Workshop on “Updates on Nursing process” in November 2019
State level Workshop on Geriatric Nursing in Sept 2019 - State level Workshop on Updates in Newborn Care Nov 2019
State level Workshop on Infectious Diseases in Dec 2019 - State level Workshop on Airway Management in March 2020
- State Level Workshop on Safe Motherhood in March 2020
- Workshop on Disaster Nursing for Students in March 2020
- Integration of Education and Service Model
- Midwife Led Clinic Model
- Three Tiered Nurse Led Community Service Model
- Biannual Journal Publication
- Student/Faculty Exchange programmes with Universities abroad
- Disaster response to the Asia Pacific Region
- Faculty Students Research
- Exposure of students to low income, most backward population of rural India
- Revision of Nursing Text Books by faculty
- Empowerment and capacity building of nurses and faculty from Government and private sectors
- Best Nursing College in the country
- Quality education and service
- Faculty involvement professional associations of the country
- Faculty involvement in the Policy Making and Curriculum revision of statutory bodies of the country (Nursing Councils and Universities)