mcmaster University
WHO Collaborating Centre for primary care nursing and health human resources
Dr. Andrea Baumann, BScN, MScN, PhD, FAAN; Associate Vice-President of Global Health, Fellow in the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences
Dr. Denise Bryant-Lukosius, Associate Professor
Danielle Denwood, Global Health Coordinator
- Long-term care (LTC) in crisis. A consortium of researchers from McMaster, University of Toronto, McGill and an international team of collaborators are examining the LTC system and its response to COVID-19.
- Integrating Registered Nurses into Primary Care Across Canada. CIHR Project Grant.
- The Hurdle of Employment: Integrating Internationally Educated Nurses into Ontario’s workforce initiative funded by the Government of Ontario – activity ends March 31, 2021.
- WHO State of the World Nursing and Midwifery 2020 Report from the Canadian Perspective. Working with Nursing Now Canadian Chapter and provided available data on Canadian Nursing Health Workforce.
- Response and Impact of Advanced Practice Nurses for Addressing Health and Health System Needs Resulting From The COVID-19 Pandemic: Canadian and Global Perspectives. Canadian Nursing Foundation.
- Long term care reform in Ontario: The long delivery (in Case Studies in Canadian health policy and management).
- Global migration and key issues in workforce integration of skilled health workers (in Global migration, gender and professional credentials: Transnational value transfers and losses).
- The demanding supply: Licensing international doctors and nurses in Ontario (in Case Studies in Canadian health policy and management).
- Policy agenda-setting and causal stories: Examining how organized interests redefined the problem of refugee health policy in Canada (DOI: 10.12927/hcpol.2020.26126,
- Addressing quadruple aims through primary care and public health collaboration (DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-08610-y,
- Universal health coverage: Importance of the health workforce and issues of definitions and measurement (2020 Manuscript submitted for publication).
- National competencies for registered nurses in primary care: A delphi study.Lukewich, J., Allard, M., Ashley, L., Aubrey-Bassler, K., Bryant-Lukosius, D., Klassen, T., Magee, T., Martin-Misener, R., Mathews, M., Poitras, M-E., Roussel, Josette; Ryan, D., Schofield, R., Tranmer, J., Valaitis, R., Wong, S. (2020) (
- A comparative analysis of teaching and evaluation methods in nurse practitioner education programs in Australia, Canada, Finland, Norway, the Netherlands and USA. Jeffery, N., Donald, F., Martin-Misener, R., Bryant-Lukosius, D., Johansen, E.A., Egilsdottir, H.Ö., Honig, J., Jokiniemi, K., Roodbol, P., Carter, N., & Rietkoetter, S. (2020) (
- Stakeholder engagement in nursing curriculum development and renewal initiatives: A review of the literature. Belita, E., Carter, N., & Bryant-Lukosius, D. (2020) (DOI: 10.17483/2368-6669.1200,
- Virtual care for prostate cancer survivorship: Protocol for an evaluation of nurse-led algorithm-enhanced virtual clinic implemented at five centres across Canada. Pham, Q., Hearn, J., Bender, J., Berlin, A., Brown, I., Bryant-Lukosius, D., Feifer, A., Gotto, G., Rendon, R., Cafazzo, J.A (BMJ Open. Accepted March 17, 2021).
- University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) – Joint course on the Arctic – this course will be offered to all graduate students for credit towards their degree.
- The Arctic – A Global Health Perspective 10-Part Webinar Series.
- Chanchlani Global Health research Award & Lecture – Nadine Caron, Surgical Oncologist and Canada’s first female First Nations Surgeon March 8, 2021 (Annual event).
- Current State of the Healthcare Workforce – A Roadmap to Integrating Internationally Educated Professionals (IEPs) on March 24, 2021.
- Global Health Learning Symposium.
- Research Training Forum. Monthly community of practice to build research skills, capacity, and networks amongst 13 graduate students and mentees/trainees and invited co-investigators at McMaster University, University of British Columbia, University of Lausanne, and Hamilton Health Sciences. September.
- Six webinars on workforce planning to be delivered from November 1, 2021 to March 1, 2022.
- Development of a graduate nursing program curriculum for oncology advanced practice nurses. School of Nursing, University of Navarra, Spain.
- Development and pilot-test of an intervention to support optimal implementation of clinical nurse specialist roles in Quebec. Quebec Network on Nursing Intervention Research.
- UN SDG Project -A new website highlighting the important research work McMaster University is doing to meet the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The site includes profiles of 17 McMaster researchers and their work — each connected to one of the 17 SDGs — and offers a leading practices toolkit for aligning research with the SDGs. The objective is to share these strategies with other institutions and researchers. Initiative funded by a grant from the federal government’s Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC): Sustainable Development Goals Funding Program, awarded to McMaster’s Associate Vice-President Global Health, Andrea Baumann, and her research team in the Global Health Office.
- Planning research priorities to support the role of nurses in providing optimal medical abortion care. CIHR Planning and Dissemination Grant.
The WHO CC in Primary Care and Health Human Resources at McMaster University will collaborate with PAHO/WHO, upon request, to provide data for the State of the World Nursing Report and State of the World Midwifery Report. The McMaster WHO CC will support PAHO/WHO by providing available data on Canada’s Nursing Health Workforce.
The McMaster WHO CC collaborates with PAHO/WHO in the development and dissemination of tools on best practices in the development of nursing leadership and advanced practice nursing in the Caribbean. This includes education and research on Advance Practice Nursing and a series of Webinars on Advanced Practice in Nursing Leadership which will be disseminated to the WHO CC’s in the Caribbean.
The McMaster WHO collaborates with PAHO/WHO to provide guidance regarding Health Human Resources Planning, Assessment and Data Collection that can inform education, research and practice in the Caribbean. This includes a Report in progress on the Human Resources for Health: The Status of Nursing and Midwifery Human Resources in Jamaica, a Literature Review on the Migration of Nurses in the Caribbean and an inventory of Nursing Health Human Resources Databases in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- Advanced Practice and Nursing Leadership Webseries
The research team at McMaster University and the Nursing Health Services Research Unit work with government and employers who hire Internationally Educated Nurses (IEN’s) to support their integration into the workforce. As part of the Hurdle of Employment: Integrating IENs into Ontario’s Workforce project, led by Dr. Andrea Baumann, Associate Vice-President, Global Health, and Director, WHO Collaborating Centre in Primary Care Nursing and Health Human Resources, McMaster University developed a webinar series Nursing Workforce Planning: Tapping into Diverse Talent. This project is to increase the uptake and integration of IEN’s who are licensed and ready to enter practice in Ontario.
The Global Health Office cohosted the eighth Chanchlani Global Health Research Award & Lecture with the Chanchlani Research Centre on Feb 10, 2020. The award was presented to Jonathan Patz, MD, MPH, professor and director of the Global Health Institute at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.
The Global Health Office at McMaster University hosts an International Summer Institute which provides faculty and students from different parts of the world with a unique opportunity to explore health science education in a way that is interactive, informative and practical . Countries that participate on an annually or bi-annually basis are from Japan, Thailand, and Norway.
Focused in primary health care (PHC) nursing and health human resources, the Centre works collaboratively with faculty internally at McMaster across various disciplines, and with institutions in the Nursing and Midwifery Global Network. McMaster is among the 42 PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centres targeted specifically in areas within nursing and midwifery. Since July 1, 2018 the centre has worked hard on the following activities:
- University of the West Indies (UWI) – McMaster’s partnership with the University of the West Indies (UWI) has enabled three graduate students from the Master of Science in Global Health program to complete their field practicums in Jamaica. The World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre at UWI has been tasked with documenting the status of nursing and midwifery human resources in the Caribbean region. Over ten weeks, from May-July 2018, students worked with professors from UWI, while liaising with a supervisory team at McMaster to conduct an analysis of the reports, documents, literature and databases available on health human resources in the region. This activity is ongoing and we will be sending another two students this year, May-July 2019, to complete the work.
- In July 2018, the centre’s Co-Chair received a grant “Integrating Registered Nurses into Primary Care Across Canada”, Canadian Institute for Health Research Project Grant to examine international literature & set groundwork for competency development for family practice nurses in Canada.
- Carter, N., Valaitis, R.K., *Lam, A., *Feather, J., *Nicholl, J., & Cleghorn, L. (2018). Navigation delivery models and roles of navigators in primary care: A scoping literature review. BMC Health Services Research, 18:96. doi: 10.1186/s12913-018-2889-0.
- Berta, W., Laporte, A., Perreira, T., Ginsburg, L., Rohit Dass, A., Deber, R., Baumann, A., Bourgeault, I.,Lum, J., Gamble, B., Pilkington, K., Haroun, V., & Neves, P. (2018). Relationships between work outcomes, work attitudes and work environments of health support workers in long term care and home & community care settings. Human Resources for Health. 16:15; 1-11.
- Baumann, A., Hunsberger, M., Crea-Arsenio, M., Akhtar-Danesh, N., & Alameddine, M. (2018). A government policy to full-time nursing employment in Ontario, Canada: An evaluation. Health Policy, 122, 109-114. doi:10.1016/j.healthpol.2017.07.001
- Summer, 2018: International Interdisciplinary Summer Institute
- October 24th, 2018: Global Transition within local communities: Small places, big changes International Symposium
October 15-26, 2018 - Nursing Scholars (Advanced Practice Nurses) from the University of South-Eastern Norway: 2-week institute in Canada.
- International Interdisciplinary Summer Institute: Delegation of 16 health care professionals from Thailand’s Praboromarajchanok Institute for Health Workforce Development (PIHWD), Ministry of Public Health (MPH) and 5 Doctorate Nursing Scholars from the University of South Eastern Norway will participate in the annual IISI in June 2019. The IISI provides faculty from different parts of the world with a unique opportunity to explore health science education in a way that is interactive, informative, and practical.
- Delegation of 12-16 undergraduate and graduate nursing students from Kitisato University in Japan will participate in a tailored international summer institute August 5-23, 2019.
- The GHO will co-host the eighth Chanchlani Global Health Research Award & Lecture with the Chanchlani Research Centre in February 2020.
- Joint Global Health Concentration: The Global Health Office and University of South-Eastern Norway created a joint course (Global Transition within local communities: Small places, big changes). Global Health Graduate Students traveled to USN for 13 weeks to take the full concentration in the winter; Nursing Faculty and Norwegian Graduate students from USN traveled to McMaster to learn about Advanced Nursing Practice programs/roles in Canada as well as participate in Clinical Observation experience.
- International Interdisciplinary Summer Institute (IISI) a delegation of 15 health care professionals from Thailand’s Praboromarajchanok Institute for Health Workforce Development (PIHWD), Ministry of Public Health (MPH) participated in the annual IISI in June 2018. The IISI provides faculty from different parts of the world with a unique opportunity to explore health science education in a way that is interactive, informative, and practical.
- The 6th Chanchlani Global Health Research Award & Lecture with the Chanchlani Research Centre February 12th, 2018. The award was presented to Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian.
- Partnering with Employers: Increasing IEN Employment in Health Care Organizations. The research team worked with government and employers who hire Internationally Educated Nurses so they are integrated into the workforce.
- The Hurdle of Employment: Integrating Internationally Educated Nurses into Ontario’s Workforce – to increase the uptake and integration of licensed IENs