University of Botswana
WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing and Midwifery Development
Dr. Kefalotse Sylvia Dithole, Head of the School of Nursing, Senior Lecturer
Dr. Prof. N.A. Phaladze
Dr. Samuel Matula, Acting HoD
Ms Mosidi Tseleng Mokotedi, Lecturer
1. Under WHO’s leadership, conduct collaborative research on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on nursing and midwifery workforce
At the request of WHO and in line with WHO Strategic Directions for Nursing and Midwifery (2021-2025), strengthen nursing and midwifery leadership through skill development
At the request of WHO, promote and strengthen rehabilitative and palliative services in the context of revitalization of Primary Health Care Services.
School of Nursing Faculty at the University of Botswana WHOCCNM
- The school of nursing is currently reviewing the Master of Nursing curriculum to include other specialty areas that will respond to the current MOHW Priority areas The School of Nursing/WHOCC has the developed PhD in Nursing programme as well as a new programme on Master of Adult Gerontology Oncology and Palliative Nursing, however we anticipate delay in the processes due to COVID 19 pandemic. Scheduled to start august, 2022.
- The school of Nursing has been collaborating with Rutgers University in working towards a workshop on Adult oncology. The faculty members have been working with Global HOPE project on a series of ECHO webinars on Pediatric Hematology and Oncology.
- The School of Nursing faculty have been part of the team for the University of Botswana COVID19 response through the Deputy Deans Office, faculty of Health Sciences through assisting the University Human resources department in the recruitment of nurses and midwives, who are being hired to work at the National COVID 19 centres in Gaborone. The process involved screening all applicants, shortlisting and making recommendations for their employment. Five faculty members were redeployed to the National COIV 19 Centre for patient care duties One member of Faculty is a member of the University of Botswana COVID 19 response team.
- The school is represented and participate in the development of the country Nursing and Midwifery strategy and its implementation plan for 2021-2025. One Faculty member promoted to Associate professor on the 30th March, 2021 in the school of Nursing.
- The School under Tackling of Infections to Benefit Africa (TIBA) project has admitted three (3) postgraduate (2PhD) and 1 MPhil students who are currently working on their data analysis and dissertation writing. The team is currently working on the data science project, developing a reapplication to capture and monitor neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) with specific emphasis on schistosomiasis.
- Issues surrounding disclosure of child sexual abuse (
- Foreign nurse educators’ lived experiences of incivility: The case for Botswana (DOI: 10.4102/curationis. v43i1.2162,’_lived_experiences_of_incivility_The_case_for_Botswana).
- Nurse educator academic incivility: a qualitative descriptive study (DOI: 10.1111/inr.12610,
- The perceived determinants and recommendations by mothers and healthcare professionals on the loss-to- follow-up in Option B+ program and child mortality in the Amhara region, Ethiopia (DOI: 10.1186/s12879-020-05583-6,
- Webinar on Pediatric Hematology and Oncology workshop for nursing in Botswana, Malawi, Uganda (still planning stage).
- Taskforce looking at distance learning mode for the Bachelor of Nursing Programmed for nurse with Diploma in Nursing training.
- Consultation on semesterization.
- Record management system and Policies.
- Stakeholder consultation on the Oncology and Palliative Care Nursing curriculum development.
- The four faculty members attended a consensus workshop on stakeholders engagement and Assessment of the oncology care situation in Botswana hosted by University of Botswana and Rutgers University through a collaboration.
- The school of Nursing faculty members are implementing a project on Improvement of reproductive Health of Botswana Adolescents.
- The school of Nursing in conjunction with Global Hope Project hosted Pediatric Oncology Nursing workshop for nurses and midwives from different facilities around the country.
- Baratedi, W,M. &etal (2020). Barriers to Prostrate: Cancer Screening by men in Sub Saharan Africa: An integrated Review. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 52:1 (85-94)
- Masokwane, A & etal (2019) The Impact of Maternal Nutritional Status on the incidence of birth weight and Prematurity in Botswana. Lonaka10 (2) 27-35
- Maundeni T., Rapinyana O., & Baratedi W. M. (2019) The girl child and HIV: Insights from Botswana. International Journal of Academic Research and Development: 4(5). 69-76. Accepted: 19-07-2019: www.academicjournal.
- Raditloaneng W, Molosi K, & Baratedi W. HIV risk factors amongst the mentally challenged populations of Botswana: Implications for community education and development. Accepted by Community Mental Health Journal (COMH). Manuscript No. COMH-D-18-00321R1
- Thupayagale-Tshweneagae G., Dithole K. S., Baratedi W. M., & Raditloko S. Views of Nurse Educator Leaders on academic incivility among nurse educators, International Nursing Review
- Baratedi W. M., Raditloko S., & Thupayagale-Tshweneyagae G. Incivility: Lived experiences of foreign nurse educators working in Botswana. Submitted at Japan journal of nursing science. Manuscript ID. JJNS-2020-0005
- Baratedi W. M. The sexual pattern of HIV Discordant couples following disclosure of their status in Botswana. Submitted at the International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). Paper ID: ART20203682
- Ntsayagae, E; Poggenpoel, M & Myburgh CPH (2019) Experiences of family caregivers of persons living with mental illness: a meta-synthesis. Curationis Journal. (ISSN) Online. 2223-6279 Print 0378-8577 Impact factor of 0.40
- Sabone, M; Mbatha-Ndaba, R & Ntsayagae, E (2019). The changing landscape of community-home based care in Botswana: the situation of selected families in the capital city. Mosenodi International Journal of Educational Studies. 22(2),142-160 ISSN 1021-559X
- Tapera, R., Mbongwe, B., Lord, A., Phaladze, N.; Mhaka-Mutepfa, M.,& Zetola, N.M.The Theory of Planned Behavior as a behavior change model for tobacco control strategies among adolescents in two cities of Botswana. (accepted).
- Grover, S., Zetola, N., Ramogola-Masire, D., Bvochora-Nsingo,M…Phaladze, N et al. Building research capacity through programme development and research implementation in resource-limited settings – the Ipabalele study protocol: observational cohort studies determining the effect of HIV on the natural history of cervical cancer.
- Community outreach for health wellness for community of Block 8, done by Community health Nursing students with faculty. This included health screening for NCDs and other conditions.
- Community outreach for health wellness carried out for community of Broadhurst done by Community Health Nursing students and faculty
- The school of nursing sent out faculty members to go to benchmark on oncology care at Rutgers University school of Nursing. The faculty members were trained as ELNEC providers (Jan – Feb , 2020
- Dr Swart made a presentation at School of Nursing Newark on Improving oncology care in Botswana (link)
- The school of Nursing /WHOCC hosted a workshop for nurses from health facilities on exploring Pediatric oncology care and treatment in February, 2020
- Health and Wellness Fair for University of Botswana faculty and staff screening for NCDs.
- Hosting the Florence Nightingale Roving Lamp presentation at the University
- Holding a workshop on oncology and palliative Care for Interprofessional team tentatively May, 2020
- The University of Botswana Nursing Student Association is planning a student activity for Nursing Now
- Student welfare department and Botswanan Harvard AIDS Institute Launch HBV study
- School of Nursing and Faculty of Health Sciences have won a grant to Tackilng Infections to
Benefit Africa Project (TIBA) - Dr Mabel Magowe faculty at the School of Nursing/ Deputy Dean- Faculty of Health Sciences
won an Award from Emory as the inspiring Nurse of Now. (link)