"Nursing is a profession where you can observe and explore human life throughout the lifespan. Unlike in medicine, in nursing you can really care for patients and relatives 365/24."
- Professor Dr. Jürgen Osterbrink, h.c. RGN, MN(HP), PhD
The Certificate in Nursing Education is transforming Nursing Education in Guyana, WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing Human Resources Development and Patient Safety at University of Miami, School of Nursing and Health Studies
A warm welcome to the 2019 Annual Report. As the WHOCCNM Secretariat, we at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing are excited to highlight the recent work done by the Global Network of the WHO Collaborating Centers for Nursing and Midwifery (WHOCCNM).
We want to thank all of our collaborating centers and partner organizations for their continued support. It has been a productive and exciting year for the nursing profession, with the members of the Global Network making significant and innovative contributions to advancing the WHO vision of Health for All.
As we all prepare for the coming Year of the Nurse in 2020, we take this time to be reflective and appreciative of the hard work and dedication nurses and midwives bring to their patients and communities. The excellence and advancements in healthcare, research, and education of nurses and midwives are only a small part of what we hope to honor through this report. We hope you will enjoy hearing about the recent work of your Global Network colleagues. Please feel free to reach out to us at the Secretariat with any thoughts or questions, and we look forward to another wonderful year working with this incredible network of nursing and midwifery leaders.
Patricia M. Davidson, PhD, MEd, RN, FAAN Nancy Reynolds, PhD, RN, FAAN Co-Secretary Generals Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing & Midwifery Secretariat Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing
The Global Network
The Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centers for Nursing & Midwifery is a dedicated group of institutions, academic centers, and individuals working together to build a healthier world. In addition to working with the World Health Organization, the Global Network is currently comprised of the following:
44 Collaborating Centers
4 Partner Organizations
1 Secretariat Institution
The 2018-2019 term saw many important and exciting changes to the Global Network. Some key events and milestones included:
New website
New Facebook & Twitter (@whoccnm)
2 Links Magazines
3+ Events & Side Meetings
With the participants of Shelter Care Workshop, WHO Collaborating Centre for Disaster Risk Management for Health at the University of Hyogo, Research Institute of Nursing Care for People and Community
Regional Updates
We are grateful to have such a productive, inspirational Global Network.
To highlight the important work being done at each one, we have placed their 2018-19 annual report information on their individual webpages. Click on the center of interest in order to see their recent and upcoming work!
A summary of regional activities and upcoming opportunities is also listed.
With the participants of Shelter Care Workshop, WHO Collaborating Centre for Disaster Risk Management for Health at the University of Hyogo, Research Institute of Nursing Care for People and Community
All AFRO region CCs are actively involved in a collaborative project on Scaling up Midwifery Education that aims at improving the quality of midwifery education in the region
In partnership with ICN, the University of KwaZulu-Natal WHOCC facilitated a 1 week workshop on strengthening research capacity of nurses involved in MDR TB programmes
In April, the Botswana WHOCC collaborated with international partners in facilitating a Train the Trainer workshop on hypertension management as part of a bigger project on addressing NCDs in Botswana.
The University of Natal College of Nursing CC developed six competency-based postgraduate curricula,
The University of Natal College of Nursing CC collaborated with ICN on the ICN TB/MDR-TB Project, aimed at building research capacity in this field
The University of Natal College of Nursing CC held a week-long workshop in Durban, South Africa
The Malawi WHOCC, Kamuzu College of Nursing, is hosting an event on Paediatric Oncology
SIGMA International Conferences to be held in August and September 2019 respectively in Malawi to facilitate dissemination of generated evidence and create a platform to allow for engagement on nursing and midwifery strengthening in the region.
The University of Natal School of Nursing CC will host its Forum of University Dean’s of Nursing conference
University of KwaZulu-Natal WHOCC Faculty in a curriculum review workshop, WHO Collaborating Centre for Educating Nurses and Midwives in Community Problem-solving at University of KwaZulu-Natal, School of Nursing
Multiple blogs, webinars, and publications across all AMRO region WHOCCs
Various Maternal and Child Health presentations and collaborations among PAHO/WHO regional partners & University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing WHOCC
Collaborative projects and partnerships between the UWI School of Nursing, Mona and other WHOCCs in the region around nursing development and education
Engagement and active support around the State of the World’s Nursing report
Recent conclusion of a 4 year project on Integrated Health Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean (IHSLAC) implemented with PAHO/WHO in collaboration with Global Funds Canada
Webinars hosted regularly by various AMRO region CCs
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing CC event Oct 10-11, 2019
Pan American Colloquium on Nursing Research Chile 2020, to be hold in November 9, 2020.
University of Illinois Chicago College of Nursing, University of Chile School of Midwifery, and University of Alabama at Birmingham WHOCCs working to collaborate with and provide opportunities for international nursing students
The University of Miami will host its Certificate in Nursing Education Program in another country of the Caribbean.
Asociacion Colombiana de Facultades y Escuelas de Enfermeria (ACOFAEN) will take part and host several national and international nursing development seminars and research colloquims
McMaster University CC will co-host the eighth Chanchlani Global Health Research Award & Lecture with the Chanchlani Research Centre in February 2020.
University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing’s CC will host three workshops on preceptorship training on Nov 2019
Sending students off for global clinical experiences, WHO Collaborating Centre for Advanced Practice Nursing at Columbia University, School of Nursing
University of Bahrain WHO CC for Nursing Development conducted three workshops on preceptorship workshops
International Nursing Congress on “Innovative Avenues: Practice drives Education, Research, and Policy” October 16 – 17, 2018. WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing Development at Jordan University of Science and Technology, Faculty of nursing.
Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) established core competencies essential for advanced practice nursing (APN) in Jordan.
JUST adopted and implemented a competency based nursing curricula
the Faculty of Nursing at JUST as a WHO collaborative center for nursing development was approached by WHO Libya office to develop a training program on family nursing to improve the knowledge and skills of primary care nurses in Libya
Simulation center at JUST was expanded and foster learning for students and faculty from Palestine.
Jordan University of Science and Technology to partner with JNC to conduct nursing forum to dissemination the established competencies to nursing community
Continue to promote Nursing Now Campaign
Jordan University of Science and Technology to conduct a workshop on Inter-Professional Education
University of Bahrain WHO CC for Nursing Development to host 3 workshops on preceptorship training on Nov 2019
Dr. Huda Gharaibeh, Director of WHO-CC at the CC meeting in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing Development at Jordan University of Science and Technology
Feb 2019 meeting of CCs for Nursing & Midwifery and sister CCs for Human Resources for Heath in Copenhagen to outline strategic plans for the Region.
Regional Office held Facebook Live on nursing & midwifery leadership in EURO Region
Glasgow Caledonian University: Participated in the WHO / CNO meeting in Bucharest, discussing the role of the nurse in Antimicrobial Stewardship
Cardiff University Midwifery Dept: Field testing the Midwifery Assessment Tool for for Education (MATE) in Bulgaria and co-hosted Global Midwifery Network Webinar.
Paracelsus University, Austria: Leading EU funded projects related to their WHO CC ToRs in multi-disciplinary palliative care/nursing education
During May 2020, the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and others will participate in the Annual international conference devoted for the International Nursing Day.
Various events related to International Nursing Year campaign 2020.
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Faculty of Nursing as WHOCC for Nursing education and practice are open and ready to host the roundtables, training courses, study visits, consultations upon participant’s request.
Many EURO CC’s to participate in and contribute to the Nursing Now Campaign
The School of Coimbra will partake in the 6th Congress on Nursing Research of Ibero-American and Portuguese-speaking Countries and 2nd International Symposium on Evidence-Based Health Care, from 25 to 27 May 2020
Prof Billie Hunter and Grace Thomas from the Cardiff University WHO CC, field–testing the Midwifery Assessment Tool for Education (MATE) with midwifery colleagues in Sofia, Bulgaria March 2019
Distance education stoma care nursing, research methods, & disaster nursing competencies
Capacity building of nursing personnel MOU with DOHS, MP, India.
National workshop on core nursing competencies in disaster management, communication, facility based new born care, challenges in nursing care of patients with substance abuse
Student/faculty exchange program with Kansas University, USA
Secondary hospital experience given for III Year BSc nursing students
National workshop on Nursing Competencies in Disaster Preparedness and Management for nursing personnel to be held on 6 July 2019
A collaborative research with National Institute of Health Research, UK on “Diabetes in vulnerable population” will be initiated
WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing and Midwifery Development at Chiang Mai University, Faculty of Nursing:
The 23rd East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS) conference, “Advancing Nursing Scholars in the Era of Global Transformation and Disruptive Innovation” will be held at Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University on January 10 and 11, 2020
The 13th Biennial Conference of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery on the theme of Advocacy and Policy: Strengthening the Voices and Capacities of Health Professionals at Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University from 16- 18 June 2020.
The WHO Executive Committee will meet at Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University on the 19th of June 2020
The WHOCC Global Network Meeting will be hosted by Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University on the 19th of June 2020.
Prof. Dean Wipada Kunaviktikul, Co-chair the WHO Regional Meeting in Delhi India in 5 to 7 Feb 2019, WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing and Midwifery Development at Chiang Mai University, Faculty of Nursing
Comprehensive region wide study on Nursing Advanced Roles by Yonsei University College of Nursing is in the final edits for publication
12th Biennial General Meeting of the Global Network of World Health Organization Collaborating Centres (GNWHOCC) for Nursing and Midwifery, Cairns 20 July 2019
Global Midwifery Network Meeting and Global Consultation, Cairns, July 2019
South Pacific Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officers Alliance Biennial Meeting, Cook Islands, 15- 18 October 2018
WHO CC UTS: International Nursing Celebrations May 12th 2020
WHO CC UTS: South Pacific Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officers Alliance Biennial Meeting, Vanuatu 2020
WHO CC UTS: Papua New Guinea Nursing and Community Health Worker Forum October 2019
WHO CC UTS: Vanuatu Bachelors in Nursing Stakeholder Committee Workshops and Programs May, June, August September Vanuatu 2019
University of Nursing, Yangon CC: Evaluation on implementation of inter-professional education program
University of Nursing, Yangon CC: Nursing Now event and Nursing Now Talkshow
University of Nursing, Yangon CC: Celebration of the Year of Nurses (2020)
University of Nursing, Yangon CC: Workshop on Self-Assessment Report (SAR) writing for accreditation
University of Nursing, Yangon CC: Workshop on Emergency and Disaster Management
The organising committee of the Biennial WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery Conference, WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing and Midwifery Education and Research Capacity at James Cook University