Lithuanian university of health sciences
WHO Collaborating Centre for nursing education and practice
Jūratė Macijauskienė, Professor
Aurelija Blaževičienė, Professor
At WHO’s request, to support WHO in developing the roadmap for strengthening nursing and midwifery in the European Region towards the delivery of GPW13 and the European Programme of Work.
At WHO’s request, to provide technical advice to Member States in developing evidence-based nursing education and practice in support of the delivery of GPW13 and the European Programme of Work.
At WHO’s request, to contribute to the research base on Advanced Nursing Practice in primary health care.

The Faculty of Nursing, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
- Participation in the nursing and midwifery events held in June 2020: • The Eighth “Triad Meeting” of the World Health Organization, the International Council of Nurses, and the International Confederation of Midwives; • The Ninth WHO Global Forum for Government Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officers; • Post-Triad Midwife Forum 2020; • ICN National Nursing Associations Representatives Meeting.
- “Triad Meeting” 16-18 June, 2020 International Council of Nurses – International Confederation of Midwives – World Health Organization.
- 15 November, 2020 Official start of an international project: “Accelerating Master and PhD level nursing education development in the higher education system in Kazakhstan – AccelEd” from the program “Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education: KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices.”
- 24-25 March, 2021 prof. Aurelija Blaževičienė moderated and participated, prof. J.Macijauskienė participated in the Meeting of Government Chief Nursing and Midwifery Focal Points, European Forum of national Nursing and Midwifery Associations and Who collaborating Centers in the WHO European Region.
- 16 December, 2020 prof. Jūratė Macijauskienė participated in an online meeting for heads of WHO collaborating centers (joined by Fr. Tedros and the Quality Assurance, Norms and Standards Department (Science Division)).
- On 2020-12-10 the Faculty of Nursing hosted an online national nursing conference “2020 the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife – Essential Factor for the Brighter Future in the Health System”. In the agenda of this conference these topics have been addressed and discussed: • Health Resources of the Nurses: challenges and opportunities • Health Resources Development of the Midwifes • Competences and Education of the Nurses • The Future of Nursing Leadership • Individualized Care of Patients: situation now and future perspectives • The Role of Nurses when Insuring Patients’ Care and Health The Relevance and Perspective of Nursing Science and Practice.
- The National conference dedicated for International Nurses Day (May).
- New building for the Faculty of Nursing (to be finished in 2021).
- The “European strategic directions for strengthening nursing and midwifery towards Health 2020 goals” in Lithuanian language are included into teaching of master degree students in three programs at LSMU: Nursing leadership,Clinical Nursing,Advanced Nursing Practice. Goals were used creating National nursing guidelines in Lithuania and now are being used as key reference in all documents and presentations related to nursing.
- 9-13 th September, 2019, Astana, Kazakhstan. Training “Nursing Education at Lithuania” for Astana Medical University. The purpose of the visit was to provide quality training to staff and faculty members of the newly established Faculty of Nursing at Astana Medical University.
- 3-4th October, 2019, Training “Nursing Education at Lithuania” for Grodno State Medical University (Belarussian) at Grodno, Belarussian. Lectors from LSMU: WHO Collaborating Center for Nursing Education and Practice in LSMU.
- 30th July, 2019 representatives from WHO EURO CCs participated in the ICN conference and associated GNWHOCC side-meeting in Singapore.
- 4th September, 2019, Kaunas, Lithuania. WHO CCs video conference/meeting and discussions via Web EX. The aim of video meeting: Preparation and presentation of the World Nursing Report.
- On February 2020 submitted the project Accelerating Master and PhD level nursing education development in in the higher education system in Kazakhstan AccelEd for Erasmus+ KA2.
- Vita Vaičienė, Aurelija Blaževičienė, Billie Hunter, Jūratė Macijauskienė. The emotional and professional wellbeing of midwives: cross sectional survey in Lithuania.
- Planned for 6-9th April, 2020, Training “New Trends In Health Care Workforce Professional Development” for Grodno State Medical University (Belarus) at Lithuanian university of health sciences, Kaunas. The visit is postponed due to corona virus pandemic.
- We adapted the Work Health and Emotional Well Being (WHELM) survey tool used previously in UK (Cardiff University, WHO CC for midwifery) and conducted research. 338 midwives participated in the research who work in various Lithuanian hospitals providing midwifery services. Research data (The emotional and professional well being of midwives: cross sectional survey in Lithuania) has been presented in The 21st Congress of the Nordic Federation of Midwives.

The Faculty of Nursing, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Activity 1
- Title: Advocacy, communication and information dissemination to support implementation of the European strategic directions at regional and country level
- Description: The team of the institution/CC will advocate, communicate and disseminate information about the European strategic directions for strengthening nursing and midwifery in support of Health 2020 and the Compendium of good nursing and midwifery practice. The European strategic directions will be translated into Lithuanian language and disseminated in the country. Presentations will be delivered at various technical meetings about the Strategic directions. Case studies on good nursing and midwifery practice further promoted in presentations and publications. WHO materials on nursing and midwifery will be included into training packages.
- Status: ongoing
- The “European strategic directions for strengthening nursing and midwifery towards Health 2020 goals” in Lithuanian language are included into teaching of master degree students in three programs at LSMU:
Nursing leadership; Clinical Nursing; Advanced Nursing Practice - The “European strategic directions for strengthening nursing and midwifery towards Health 2020 goals” in Lithuanian language are placed on the website of the University
- The “European strategic directions for strengthening nursing and midwifery towards Health 2020 goals” were presented as the main document to be followed for the international experts, auditing research activities in Faculty of Nursing on 2nd October, 2018
Activity 2
- Title: Technical advice and support to Russian speaking countries in developing evidence based nursing
education and practice
Description: The main goal of this activity is to support the respective technical programme in the WHO
Regional Office to implement activities related to strengthening nursing in Member States. Upon invitation by WHO, and as appropriate, the CC team will participate in meetings with Member States, roundtables and training courses and contribute to WHO technical briefings.
Status: ongoing. - 3-7th September, 2018: training/master class “Methodology and technology of teaching applied for applied bachelor’s degree” and “Development of Nursing Bachelor Program” delivered by prof. A. Blaževičienė — for Nursing program teachers, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
- 17-21st September, 2018: training/master class “Nursing Management” and “Nursing and Nurses – Competencies in the Hospital”, delivered by prof. A. Blaževičienė and for Heads of Nursing in the Karaganda Hospital, Republic of Kazakhstan.
- 15-19th October, 2018: training/master class “Organization of work of the Hospital of Nursing Care in the conditions of medical insurance and interaction with the primary health care” and “Mentoring in Nursing” delivered by prof. O. Riklikiene for the Heads of Nursing in the Medical college in Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
- 15-19th October, 2018: training/master class “Competences and research methods in nursing” delivered by prof. A. Blaževičienė for the nursing program teachers in the Medical college in Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
- 22-24th October, 2018: Visit to KROK university Kiev, Ukraina. Round table discussions and consultations for the administration of the KROK University by prof. J. Macijauskienė and vice-rector prof. K. Petrikonis (LSMU).
- 5-8th November, 2018: “Study visit to Lithuania for Belarusian specialists on strengthening primary health care within the project BELMED 4-9 November, 2018”. Lectures prof. J. Macijauskienė, and prof. A. Blaževičienė for representatives of WHO Country Office in Belarus.
- 16th November, 2018: dr. Kateryna Balabanova, Director of Young Specialists Training at the Central Methodological Service of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine visit in LSMU, Faculty of Nursing Kaunas, Lithuania. Round table discussion about organizing Nursing study programs at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and their implementation. Delivered by J. Macijauskienė, Prof. A. Blaževičienė, Dr. V. Raškelienė.
- 29th January 2019: Meeting with the delegation from Kazakhstan. Prof. Jurate Macijauskienė.
- 25-28th February, 2019: Study visit “New Trends in Health Care Workforce Professional Development”. Lectures delivered by Prof. J. Macijauskienė, prof. A. Blaževičienė for representatives of WHO Country Office in Belarus, Ministry of Health care and Grodno university of medicine.
- Title: Technical advice and support to Russian speaking countries in developing evidence based nursing
Activity 3
- Title: Generating evidence relating to nursing education and practice
Description: Participation in collaborative WHO CC research projects contributing to evidence based practice.
Providing inputs to the European compendium of good nursing practice.
Contributing to the European mapping study on transforming nursing education. Providing technical guidance
to Russian speaking countries on planning and conducting nursing research. - Status: ongoing
– On-going collaboration on the tool for midwifery education with colleagues from the European network of
WHO CCs for nursing and midwifery: Prof. Billie Hunter (Cardiff University WHO CC), Gracey Thomas, Lyn
- Title: Generating evidence relating to nursing education and practice
- Regular communication with Prof. Kay Curie, Head of the WHO CC at Glasgow Caledonian University, UK and secretariat of the European network of WHO CC for nursing and midwifery.
- Close cooperation with Cardiff University, UK for sharing experience in midwifery education, practice and research with Lithuanian midwifes. Prof. Billie Hunter was approved as a second supervisor for midwife PhD student.
- Close cooperation with New York Rory Meyers College of Nursing, USA: Prof. Jamesetta Newland is a member of the study program committee of Advanced Nursing Practice master degree program, thus she regularly is contacted due to various educational issues and regularly participates in the committee meetings via Skype.
- Participation and contribution of the CC to the WHO Regional Meeting of Government Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officers, National Nursing and Midwifery Associations and WHO Collaborating Centres in the WHO European Region, 3-4 October, 2018, Athens, Greece, The CC was represented by prof. A. Blaževičienė.
- Visit to KROK university Kiev, Ukraine, 22-24th October, 2018. Round table discussions and consultations for the administration of the KROK University by Prof. J. Macijauskienė and vice-rector prof. K. Petrikonis (LSMU).
- Close cooperation with Glasgow Caleidonian university, Glasgow, UK. Visit to Glasgow Caledonian university, 28 Jan 2019 – 02 Feb 2019. The CC was represented by Prof. Aurelija Blaževičienė and coleagues: Dr. Vilma Raškelienė, Dr. Daiva Zagurskienė, Topic of visit: to change the experience of universities and CC’s Mentorship program, visiting Queen Elizabeth hospital, participated in Mentorship preparation dairy.
- Participation and contribution of the WHO CCs annual meeting and discussions, 5th February, 2019, Copenhagen. The CC was represented by Prof. J. Macijauskienė.
- Lingytė, R. (2018, November). Baltarusijos PSO centro atstovų mokomasis vizitas Slaugos fakultete. Slaugos fakulteto naujienos, No.7, 5 page, from:
- Lingytė, R. (2018, November). Ukrainos SAM atstovės vizitas. Slaugos fakulteto naujienos, No. 7, 5 page, from:
- Prof. J. Macijauskienė (2019, March). Bendradarbiaujančių Pasaulio sveikatos
organizacijos centrų vadovų susitikimas. Slaugos fakulteto naujienos, No. 2, 2-3 page, from: - Lingytė, R. (2019, March). Mokymai Baltarusijos delegacijai. Slaugos fakulteto naujienos, No. 2, 2-3 page, from:
- 3-7th September, 2018: training/master class “Methodology and technology of teaching applied for applied bachelor’s degree” and “Development of Nursing Bachelor Program” delivered by Prof. A. Blaževičienė for Nursing program teachers, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
- 17-21st September, 2018: training/master class “Nursing Management” and “Nursing and Nurses; Competencies in the Hospital”, delivered by prof. A. Blaževičienė and for Heads of Nursing in the Karaganda Hospital, Republic of Kazachstan.
- 15-19th October, 2018: training/master class “Organization of work of the Hospital of Nursing Care in the conditions of medical insurance and interaction with the primary health care” and “Mentoring in Nursing” delivered by prof. O. Riklikiene for the Heads of Nursing in the Medical college in Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
- 15-19th October, 2018: training/master class “Competences and research methods in nursing” delivered by prof. A. Blaževičienė for the nursing program teachers in the Medical college in Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
- 5-8th November, 2018: Study visit to Lithuania for Belarusian specialists on strengthening primary health care within the project BELMED 4-9 November, 2018. Lectures Prof. J. Macijauskienė, and Prof. A. Blaževičienė for representatives of WHO Country Office in Belarus.
- 16th November, 2018: Dr. Kateryna Balabanova, Director of Young Specialists Training at the Central Methodological Service of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine visit in LSMU, Faculty of Nursing Kaunas, Lithuania. Round table discussion about organizing Nursing study programs at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and their implementation. Delivered by J. Macijauskienė, Prof. A. Blaževičienė, Dr. V. Raškelienė.
- 29th January 2019: Meeting with the delegation from Kazakhstan. Prof. Jurate Macijauskienė.
- 25-28th February, 2019: Study visit “New Trends in Health Care Workforce Professional Development”. Lectures delivered by Prof. J. Macijauskienė, Prof. A. Blaževičienė for representatives of WHO Country Office in Belarus, Ministry of Health care and Grodno university of medicine.
- 7th May, 2019 international conference 2019 “ NURSES: A VOICE TO LEAD“ HEALTH IS FOR ALL for 2019“ the integration of Nursing Education, Science and Practice: Nurses a voice to lead health for all.
- May, 2020 annual international conference devoted for the Internation al Nursing Day.
- Other events related to International Nursing Year campaign 2020.
- LSMU Faculty of Nursing as WHOCC for Nursing education and practice are open and ready to host the roundtables, training courses, study visits, consultations upon participant’s request.
- LSMU, Faculty of Nursing publishing PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL since 2011.