Nursing Research foundation 
WHO Collaborating Centre for nursing


Heidi Parisod, PhD


Elina Lagus, Excecutive assistant, Administrative and Communications coordinator

In support of WHO, to collect and collate evidence base information on nursing and midwifery practice through research.

Support WHO on developing materials to promote evidence-based practice in nursing and midwifery, including advanced nursing roles. 


    • We have been in contact with several members of Finnish Parliament and ministers, and emphasizing the role of nurses and midwives in health care.

    • Evidence-based clinical guidelines and evidence tips on different nursing and midwifery-related topics.
    • Actively discussing in social media about the role of nurses and midwives.
    • Disseminating Covid-19 information on our website.
    • Participating together with NRF and University of Turku to the development of the assessment instrument that supports evaluation of the status of evidence-based practice in nursing and midwifery.
    • Working with the further development of the FinYHKÄ model (model for the development of consistent evidence-based practices).


WHOCC together with representatives from nursing and midwifery trade unions and policymakers, January 2020

  • With permission of the WHO, the CC translated the “Facilitating Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and Midwifery in the WHO European Region” booklet into Finnish. The original version of the booklet was produced in English by the Finnish CC, and it was published by the WHO Regional Office for Europe in 2017. The WHO CC completed the translation and published it in October 2019.

    The WHO CC contributed to the SOWN and SOWM reports by identifying and contacting different data sources from Finland and composing a summary of these sources for WHO’s use. The CC has also contributed partly in reviewing the collected Finnish data.

  • In September 2019, the NRF together with the WHO CC organized a meeting with the members of the Finnish parliament with nursing background. The meeting concerned current nursing topics. The WHO CC will continue building relationships among local nursing and midwifery stakeholders in the future as well and providing technical advice to the WHO as requested.

  • In 2019, the CC participated in the development of a handbook related to the WHO’s and UNICEF’s evidence-based Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative, available at this link.

  • Based on the CC’s initiative, the discussions about future collaboration between the WHO and JBI has been continued in regards of promoting evidence-based practices in nursing.

    • Holopainen, A., Siltanen, H., Tuomikoski, A., Tuomisto, S., & Parisod, H. (2019). Evidence-based practices in Finland based on nurse professionals’ descriptions. International journal of evidence-based healthcare17, S65-S67.
    • Ikonen R, Parisod H, Tuomikoski A, Siltanen H, Hakulinen T, Holopainen A. 2019. Vauvamyönteisyysohjelma käyttöön. Raportti 1/2019. [Implementation of the Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative. A handbook for developing consistent evidence-based practices. Report 1/2019] ISSN 2669-9990. (in Finnish) (link)
    • Holopainen, Arja & Tuomikoski, Anna-Maria & Siltanen, Hannele & Heikkilä, Kristiina & Hamari, Lotta. (2019). Suomalainen asiantuntijuusmalli (FinAME) näyttöön perustuvan toiminnan tukirakenteena jo 10 vuotta.
    • Mikkonen, K., Tuomikoski, A. M., Sjögren, T., Koivula, M., Koskimäki, M., Lähteenmäki, M. L., … & Koskinen, C. (2020). Development and testing of an instrument (HeSoEduCo) for health and social care educators’ competence in professional education. Nurse education today84, 104239.
    • Meeting with the members of the Finnish parliament with nursing background (September 2019)
    • Meeting with the representatives from all nursing or midwifery related trade unions and policymakers focusing on nursing affairs in Finland (January 2020)
  • National evidence-based healthcare symposium 10-11 February 2021

The Nursing Research Foundation (NRF) is managing the WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing, as well as, the Finnish Centre for Evidence-Based Health Care: a Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Affiliated Group. A common goal of these entities is to promote evidence-based nursing. The NRF publishes evidence-based clinical guidelines, disseminates them and produces support systems for evidence implementation. In addition, the JBI CC produces systematic reviews from different topics. Besides international collaboration the entities work together with national stakeholders in the field of evidence-based nursing.


    • Holopainen, A., Siltanen, H., Tuomikoski, A., Tuomisto, S., Parisod, H. (2019). Evidence-based practices in Finland based on nurse professionals’ descriptions. The Supplement of International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare, Accepted. 
    • Holopainen, A., Hakulinen, T. (2019). New parents’ experiences of postpartum depression: a systematic review of qualitative evidence. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, Accepted.
    • Currie, K., Melone, L., Stewart, S., King, C., Holopainen, A., Clark, A.M., Reilly, J. (2018). Understanding the patient experience of health care-associated infection: A qualitative systematic review. Am J Infect Control 46(8), 936-942.
    • Oikarainen, A., Siltanen, H., Korhonen, A., Holopainen, A. (2018). Hoitotyössä käytetyt tiedonlähteet vaativissa päätöksentekotilanteiss. Raportti 2/2018. Tutkimusartikkeli. Helsinki: HOTUS–Hoitotyön tutkimussäätiö. Retrieved from
    • Holopainen, A., Siltanen, H., Hahtela, N., Korhonen, T. (2018). Toteutuuko näyttöön perustuva toiminta Suomessa? Raportti nykytilasta hoitotyön edustajien kuvaamana. [Verkkojulkaisu]. Hoitotyön tutkimussäätiö ja Sairaanhoitajaliitto.[Viitattu 1.4. 2018]. Retrieved from
    • Korhonen, A., Jylhä, V., Korhonen, T., & Holopainen, A. (2018). Näyttöön perustuva toiminta: Tarpeesta tuloksiin. Skhole Oy.
    • IV National Healthcare Symposium on Evidence-Based Practice: Structures that support implementation of evidence-based practice, 14-15.2.2019, Helsinki.
    • The CC has developed a technical guide “Facilitating Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and Midwifery in the WHO European Region” upon the request of the WHO technical programme (published in September 2017 by the WHO Regional Office for Europe). The CC has started translation process of the guide into Finnish and distributed it widely.
    • The NRF as the CC coordinates the development of evidence-based clinical guidelines and publishes them on its website. During the last 12 months, eight new evidence-based clinical guidelines have been published and development and update of several others has been launched. The CC has also continued publishing evidence summaries based on systematic reviews and guidelines.
    • The CC has launched further development of the Action Model of Expertise in evidence-based healthcare. In addition, further development of an instrument meant for evaluating evidence-based practices has been started.
    • The CC have launched collaboration with ProInCa project (Promoting the Innovation Capacity of Higher Education in Nursing during Health Services Transition).
    • In 2018, NRF that acts as the CC published two reports regarding the current situation of evidence-based nursing in Finland.