UNIVERSITY OF sao paulo at ribeirao preto college of nursing
WHO Collaborating Centre for nursing research and development
Dr. Carla A. Arena Ventura
Dr. Pedro Fredemir Palha
Collaborate with PAHO/WHO in strengthening nursing research for the development of nursing human resources and nursing practice in priority areas.
Collaborate with PAHO/WHO in strengthening and expanding dissemination of health information and knowledge with emphasis on nursing and health.
Support PAHO/WHO to build nursing capacity through research training.

PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing Research Development
- Increase the number of collaborative research activities in human resources for health and nursing in priority health areas.
- Develop a Virtual Course on research methodology.
- Strengthen Latin American Nursing journals.
- Produce a compendium of Brazilian exemplary “case studies” to illustrate best practices in nursing to advance universal access to health and universal health coverage.
- Increase capacity building in research through human resources development and education for health professionals in Guyana.
- Analysis of the evolution of competences in the clinical practice of the nursing degree (DOI: 10.1590/1518-8345.2927.3231,
- Validation of a questionnaire of knowledge and attitudes about the subcutaneous venous reservoir in nursing (DOI: 10.1590/1518-8345.3255.3250,
- Analysis of an interprofessional education activity in the occupational health field (DOI: 10.1590/1518-8345.3228.3247,
- The qualitative dimension of Nursing workload: a measurement proposal (DOI: 10.1590/1518-8345.3274.3238,
- Validation of an evaluation instrument for responders in tactical casualty care simulations (DOI: 10.1590/1518-8345.3052.3251,
- Competence-based performance evaluation in hospital nurses (DOI: 10.1590/1518-8345.3173.3184,
- Effects of interprofessional education on teamwork on knowledge chronic conditions management (DOI: 10.1590/1518-8345.3095.3203,
- Strengthening universal health: development of a nursing and midwifery education quality improvement toolkit (DOI: 10.1590/1518-8345.3229.3188,
- Empathy, emotional intelligence, and communication in Nursing: The moderating effect of the organizational factors (DOI: 10.1590/1518-8345.3286.3333,
- Strategic directions for strengthening nursing and midwifery: potentialities and connections in the complex perspective (DOI: 10.1590/1518-8345.4456.3380,
- Forum Nursing Now Brazil (
- Online Symposium: Nurses’ Day in the International Year of Nursing in face of the COVID-19 pandemic (
- A meeting to discuss the role of nurses in Primary Health Care.
- IX Workshop on Health and Human Rights.
- A meeting with coordinators of graduate nursing programs in Latin America and the Caribbean region in order to implement the agenda of priorities regarding nursing research.
- This CC integrated a national Committee responsible to work on the organization of the data about Brazil for the State of the World’s Nursing Report. The CC was responsible, together with the PAHO office in Brazil, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, the Brazilian Nursing Association (ABEn) and the Brazilian Federal Council of Nursing – COFEn, for collecting quantitative data and best practices in Brazil for the report. As a result, it was created the Infographic: Nursing Photography in Brazil.
- This CC was responsible for reviewing the translation for Brazilian Portuguese of the WHO National Health Workforce Accounts.
- This CC supports and coordinates together with the Brazilian Federal Council of Nursing – COFEn the campaign Nursing Now Brazil. It was responsible for the National launch last year and for organizing the activities of the campaign in Brazil.
- This CC organized the Manual “Care in the hospital setting to patients with suspicion or confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19” (
- This CC supported the development of the animated infographic on neonatal care: protection and prevention of Covid-19 – didactic resource for permanent education of neonatal health professionals ( This animation available on YouTube explains for health professionals how to identify symptoms of the COVID-19 in babies and how the baby should be referred after identifying these symptoms. It also explains how the material for the COVID-19 exam should be collected.

PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing Research Development
- The activities of our Collaborating Centre comprise the development of collaborative research in human resources for health and nursing in priority health areas, such as interprofessional education. The Collaborating Centre will also be responsible for a Virtual Course on research methodologies. Providing support for the implementation of a regional agenda for research priorities in Latin America and Caribbean region is an important activity for our Collaborating Centre.
- In addition, activities related to capacity building in research and strengthening the dissemination means of research results, especially Latin American Journals, are key strategies, which are being carried out about by this Collaborating Centre for Nursing Research Development.
- The activities of our Collaborating Centre comprise the development of collaborative research in human resources for health and nursing in priority health areas, such as interprofessional education. The Collaborating Centre will also be responsible for a Virtual Course on research methodologies. Providing support for the implementation of a regional agenda for research priorities in Latin America and Caribbean region is an important activity for our Collaborating Centre.
- Meeting on the role of nurses in Primary Health Care and possibilities for its expansion. The meeting will foster discussions and the inclusion of advanced practices nurses in Primary Health Care. Date to be defined.
- Holanda, F. L. D., Marra, C. C., & Cunha, I. C. K. O. (2019). Evidence of validity of the Competence Scale of Actions of Nurses in Emergencies. Revista latino-americana de enfermagem, 27.
- Soares, M. I., Leal, L. A., Resck, Z. M. R., Terra, F. D. S., Chaves, L. D. P., & Henriques, S. H. (2019). Avaliação de desempenho por competências em enfermeiros hospitalares. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 27.
- Barbosa, A. C. S., Luiz, F. S., Friedrich, D. B. D. C., Püschel, V. A. D. A., Farah, B. F., & Carbogim, F. D. C. (2019). Profile of nursing graduates: competencies and professional insertion. Revista latino-americana de enfermagem, 27.
- Agreli, H. F., Peduzzi, M., Silva, M. C., Mascarelle, R. C. V., & Espinoza, P. (2019). Effects of interprofessional education on teamwork and on knowledge chronic conditions management. Revista latino-americana de enfermagem, 27.
- Markaki, A., Moss, J., Shorten, A., Selleck, C., Loan, L., McLain, R., … & Góes, F. D. S. N. D. (2019). Strengthening universal health: development of a nursing and midwifery education quality improvement toolkit. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 27.
- Santos, J. L. G. D., Copelli, F. H. D. S., Balsanelli, A. P., Sarat, C. N. F., Menegaz, J. D. C., Trotte, L. A. C., … & Soder, R. M. (2019). Interpersonal communication competence among nursing students. Revista latino-americana de enfermagem, 27.
- Reticena, K. D. O., Yabuchi, V. D. N. T., Gomes, M. F. P., Siqueira, L. D. E., Abreu, F. C. P. D., & Fracolli, L. A. (2019). Role of nursing professionals for parenting development in early childhood: a systematic review of scope. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 27.
- Valero-Moreno, S., Lacomba-Trejo, L., Casaña-Granell, S., Prado-Gascó, V. J., Montoya-Castilla, I., & Pérez-Marín, M. (2020). Psychometric properties of the questionnaire on threat perception of chronic illnesses in pediatric patients. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 28.
- Lima, A. W. S. D., Alves, F. A. P., Linhares, F. M. P., Costa, M. V. D., Coriolano-Marinus, M. W. D. L., & Lima, L. S. D. (2020). Perception and manifestation of collaborative competencies among undergraduate health students. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 28.
- Martínez-Momblán, M. A., Colina-Torralva, J., Cueva-Ariza, L. D. L., Guix-Comellas, E. M., Romero-García, M., & Delgado-Hito, P. (2020). Analysis of the evolution of competences in the clinical practice of the nursing degree. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 28.
The activities of our Collaborating Centre comprise the development of collaborative research in human resources for health and nursing in priority health areas, such as interprofessional education. The Collaborating Centre will also be responsible for a Virtual Course on research methodologies. Providing support for the implementation of a regional agenda for research priorities in Latin America and Caribbean region is an important activity for our Collaborating Centre.
In addition, activities related to capacity building in research and strengthening the dissemination means of research results, especially Latin American Journals, are key strategies, which are being carried out about by this Collaborating Centre for Nursing Research Development.
- 3 workshops on preceptorship training on Nov 2019